Published: 2021-05-04

La estabilidad de la teoría de la expectativa medida por la curva de swaption

La crisis financiera que estalló a mediados de 2007 se ha extendido en el sistema financiero existente con gran inestabilidad favoreciendo la devaluación de las monedas con la caída de las tasas de interés de mercado. Esto ha provocado que los inversores potenciales se vuelvan más reacios al riesgo y, por tanto, buscar productos financieros, aunque de menor rentabilidad, también supone un menor riesgo. Siguiendo esta línea, son los activos de Renta Fija los que han adquirido mayor protagonismo en estos tiempos de crisis. Este artículo destaca la solidez de la teoría de las expectativas en diferentes tramos, utilizando el tipo EURIBOR para determinar forwards implícitos, y estimar el precio de un contrato swap a un año con 3 meses de vencimiento, y comparándolo en cada momento con los precios reales del swap como Un punto de referencia. SWAP es el derivado más grande dentro del grupo de Activos de Renta Fija. Después del analista cuantitativo, se ha observado cómo prevalece la teoría de escenarios de baja volatilidad pero cae en escenarios cuando la volatilidad comienza a aumentar. Introducción. Uno de los supuestos básicos de la teoría financiera es hablar de la teoría de las expectativas. Desde mediados de los años ochenta, esta teoría se ha utilizado como estimador imparcial para calcular la tasa de interés swap en base a la tasa de interés bancaria al contado. Apuntar. Analista cuantitativa de la teoría de la estabilidad de las expectativas en diferentes ciclos económicos, utilizando como fuente al Banco Central Europeo para hacerse con los tipos spot EURIBOR a 3 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses y 12 meses de 2004 a 2016. Resultados. Durante los períodos previos a la crisis de 2007, los precios del IRSWAP casi se ajustan entre el mercado y lo que dice la teoría financiera. La situación comienza a cambiar luego de la crisis financiera cuando la volatilidad del mercado comienza a aumentar debido a la inestabilidad del sector bancario y los operadores comenzaron con estrategias de especulación olvidando el objetivo de cubrir, operar, nuevas posiciones la mayoría en el corto plazo. Conclusión. Ya sea por motivos especulativos o por acciones de intervención de la autoridad monetaria, la teoría y la “TEORÍA DE LAS EXPECTATIVAS”, no es un predictor eficiente sin utilizar una prima de riesgo, durante los períodos de alta volatilidad.

Antonio Ruben Santillan Pashma


El recurso del portafolio en el desarrollo del proceso de escritura en inglés

Introducción. El portafolio es un recurso educativo ampliamente aplicado en el proceso de aprendizaje del inglés debido a su versatilidad a la hora de recopilar las evidencias del trabajo académico del alumno. Además, contribuye a un seguimiento exhaustivo del cumplimiento de los objetivos de los alumnos y del desarrollo de sus competencias. Objetivo. El estudio señala los beneficios del portafolio en el desarrollo de la habilidad de escritura en estudiantes del nivel A1 Starter de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato durante el semestre académico septiembre 2017 - febrero 2018. Metodología. Durante el proyecto de investigación se aplicó una metodología cualitativa cuantitativa. Además, las variables correlacionales ayudaron a determinar la deficiencia de los estudiantes en su proceso de escritura a través de la aplicación de una prueba previa y posprueba. Para obtener una muestra significativa de la población investigada se seleccionaron aleatoriamente cuatro paralelos pertenecientes al nivel A1 con un total de 119 alumnos que se dividieron en grupo experimental y de control. Resultados. Tras la aplicación de los instrumentos de evaluación, el análisis de los resultados mostró una mejora significativa en el desarrollo de las habilidades de escritura en inglés en el grupo experimental con respecto al grupo de control. Conclusión. Es evidente que el uso del portafolio ayuda a los alumnos a ser más conscientes e independientes en su progreso de aprendizaje, lo que se refleja en su producción escrita.

Gabriela del Rocío Armijos Ango, Alexandra del Rocío Saquinga Yanchapanta, Mónica Narciza Orbea Peñafiel, Luis Eduardo Burbano Santamaría


Psychomotor Development and its relationship with Physical-Sports Activity in Early Ages.

Introduction. The psychomotor development of the child is essential for their progress in the practice of physical-sports activities, however, in order to achieve favorable results, different aspects must be considered. Objective. Reflect on the relationship between psychomotor development and the practice of sports physical activities at an early age. Methodology. The methodology followed was descriptive, documentary, based on the RSL (Systematic Literature Review). The use of theoretical methods favored the inquiry, review and analysis of the preceding documentary information, located in 37 sources from different databases; all related to the subject under study. Results. 1. The relationship that exists between psychomotor development and potential reached for the practice of sports physical activities is evident. The greater the psychomotor stimulation received at an early age, the better the child's performance in physical sports activities. 2 Psychomotor development goes through several stages, which must be respected and stimulated through playful activities to promote full child development. 3. All physical-sports program at this stage must consider the dosage, loads, intensity, sex, age and type of activities to be carried out 4. There is no single criterion in the scientific community regarding the advantages or disadvantages of early initiation to   The   practice of physical sports activities, regardless of this, the close relationship between optimal psychomotor development and perceptible improvements in the practice of physical sports activities at an early age is established. Conclusions. Coinciding with the preliminary theoretical and scientific position, the close relationship between the child's psychomotor development and the favorable potential for the practice of physical-sports activities is supported. Optimal psychomotor development encourages perceptible improvements for the practice of sports physical activities at an early age, making it necessary to respect the evolutionary stages of child development to enhance their maximum performance.

Orlando Rodrigo Carrasco Coca , Daniel Alejandro Venegas Freire , Kevin Luis Toapanta Peralvo , Brandon Alexis Maigua Tenelema


The woman in positions of enterprise direction in the different labor contexts

Introduction. The 21st century will undoubtedly work better, if women had a great participation in the world of work and in the structure of society, which at the moment is in an inequitable state, is poorly designed and supports the consequences of a rationalism and stubborn and inexplicable discrimination. We must firmly emphasize that women are the nucleus of the family, and that the family is the base of society with great potential to generate results in companies. Objective. Determining results are the factors that prevent women from accessing organizational management positions, it is intended in this research, to expose the competitive advantages that it would mean for companies to manage their talents based on policies of equity, justice, diversity and equality of opportunities to achieve business objectives established within a strategic plan. Methodology. This work uses different qualitative and quantitative research techniques for the analysis of the employment situation of women to access positions of power. First, a bibliographic review of the literature will be carried out, which includes various variables that enable or intervene for women to access organizational management positions. Results. Among the most frequent results, (14%) of female executives occupy management positions in companies (77) cents per dollar are earned by women in relation to men when it comes to salaries and the gap is greater when they have children . (2.5) times more hours per day women dedicate themselves to unpaid housework and care than men. Conclution. Including women within all the hierarchical structures of the company generates multiple benefits, on the one hand, it would increase the intrinsic motivation in women who have invested in their academic training to occupy these positions and, on the other, the company would acquire an advantage over its competitors , within a market that needs broad business prospects.

Verónica Elizabeth Villarroel Jácome, Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín


Planning and strategic Planification in touch educational. A case study in the communal context.

Dialogue and participation are not achieved by decree or spontaneously. This suggests the need to organize this process without taking away from it the spontaneity and creative richness that social practice prints. Strategic planning in communication can be a way to achieve this. Regardless of the purposes of a military, social, commercial, communicative strategy, there is a coincidence that it is about planning rationally interrelated actions in search of a medium or long-term objective. Solutions are projected to win, to obtain victory. You always plan strategically for something; there is always a reason, a goal to achieve. Carlos Núñez (Núñez, 2000: 103) advises not to confuse strategy with a work plan. In the same sense, Morín (1999) indicates: “The program establishes a sequence of actions that must be carried out without variation in a stable environment; but as soon as the external conditions have been modified, the program is blocked ”. In a work plan, the actions are not necessarily aimed at the same end, although they all contribute to the development of the institution where agents and actors are inserted. The strategy is what allows us to design a scenario of action by examining the certainties and uncertainties of the situation, the probabilities of success and all those factors that may hinder or prevent it. If, as Carlos Núñez points out, “to build the future you have to dream it first”, planning strategically will be “the process that has to lead in one direction and with a direction the planned will of man towards the achievement of general objectives that allow modifying the reality of the which we left without losing our way, without losing the essential of those purposes. " The complexity of the community scenario and the actions that take place in it requires reflection on strategic planning in communication and will always have a strong educational content.

Dagmar Santa Cruz Pérez, Victoria Ojalvo Mitrany, Yulima D. Valdés Bencomo, Luis Efraín Velastegui López
