Published: 2021-09-05

Experiences of extensionism and training on management and conservation of mangroves in two rural communities in Artemisa, Cuba

The purpose of this work was to value experiences training extensionists on handling of the swamp, located in the El Mambí and Loma Colorada communities of the municipality San Cristóbal, Artemisa. The investigation was developed in three stages: the participative diagnostic, the design, execution and evaluation of a training plan, the pursuit and sustainability of the actions training extensionists. They were used technical and tools of the diagnostics rural participative and of the forest extension as they were: you interview, work in group, participant and technical observations of hierarchization and consent; based on the visualization principles, triangulation and good ignorance. The results threw that among the community ones the positive attitudes prevailed in the boarding of the problem of the development, protection and conservation of the swamp; that it indicated to the own town like the favorable scenario to receive training in day schedules and with varied forms of popular instruction. The resources with smaller readiness and quality were the water and the drinkable water; and with regard to the arboreal vegetable species the promissory ones prevailed from their silvic, forestry, economy and administration for the development of the forest component. The training plan, allowed the learning of lessons with a level of appropriate knowledge on the handling of the vegetable formation of Swamp, as well as the application of the legal mark; what will allow a positive movement of the local forest culture. The persistent training necessities in the community ones will allow the long-term work to give sostenibility to the actions extensionistic at local level. 

Yanet Castillo Arrebato, Yudemir Cruz Pérez, Ángel Zaldívar Solís, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Diagnosis of the Cubatravel tourism portal situation for the promotion of the destination Cuba.

The Ministry of Tourism of Cuba (MINTUR) has a tourism portal, Cubatravel, for the promotional communication of the destination Cuba, which requires an improvement process since it does not meet many of its users' expectations regarding the quality of information and promotional efficiency. This research is intended to diagnose the current situation of the Cubatravel tourism portal, which contributes to the detection of the factors that are affecting the dissatisfaction of users in as for its functionality for the promotion of the territory. The diagnosis is divided into two phases, the determination of the correspondence of the portal with the best practices in web design of Caribbean tourist destinations and the evaluation of its web quality related to the promotion. The methods of this study include the CODETUR project analysis methodology, as well as web analysis tools such as Woorank, Gt Metrix, Alexa, Nibbler, Site worth Traffic, Cynthia Says and Alexa Rank Checker Sinium. Among the main results, the portal requires positioning keywords that correspond to the official names of the different tourist destinations, reducing their loading speed and page size, as well as improving their interaction with users to achieve their confidence.

Yenifer Calderín Mayo, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Analysis of tourism resources for the calculation of the attractiveness index. Case study Loma de la Cruz, Holguin

Tourist resources and their attractions constitute the fundamental basis of tourism, and it is essential to analyze and evaluate them in order to determine the tourist potential of an area and, consequently, its viability as a support for the development of this activity. The present work was intended to analyze the attractiveness of Loma de la Cruz, taking into account its geographic and patrimonial values. Theoretical methods were used for the analysis and determination of the background, characterization, conceptualization of the object and for the processing of information, as well as empirical methods for the review and analysis of documentary and non-documentary sources, information and communication technologies. The Loma de la Cruz is a natural viewpoint of the city full of traditions, culture and identity that encourages any visitor to climb it in a mandatory way as a record of its passage through the city, which has restaurants that provide services to those who visit it, forming a perfect complement as a natural attraction. The development of tourism in the attraction has had a negative impact on the conservation of both natural and heritage elements. The heritage values associated with the property include artistic and cultural, historical, social, economic, functional, natural and environmental values. It is a natural site that contains historical and ethnographic values that over the years have symbolically represented the city of Holguín. According to the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the Attractiveness Index, it is classified as an attractive place with a high attractiveness index; however, there are indicators with low indexes such as lodging capacity; tourist organization, integration and management; transportation, access and roads; and level of conservation and environmental conditions.

Solangel Pérez-Labrada, Félix Díaz-Pompa, Beatriz Serrano-Leyva, Nolberto Cruz-Aguilera


Cognitive stimulation. Basis for the process of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities.

Introduction. Cognitive stimulation from an early age constitutes a fundamental premise for the training of learning processes in children, especially in those with an intellectual disability. Objective. To analyze the influence of cognitive stimulation in the process of acquisition of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities in elementary basic education. Methodology. The investigative procedure was determined by a type of descriptive research, supported by theoretical and empirical methods. For the collection of information, different instruments were used within these, an observation guide, a questionnaire and an estimation scale, which favored the obtaining of data of great interest. Results. 1. The theoretical referents consulted corroborate the importance and usefulness of cognitive stimulation for the literacy learning process in students with intellectual disabilities. 2. The existing limitations in teachers caused by ignorance about how to perform cognitive stimulation for the process of acquisition of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities are determined. 3. It is necessary to design a didactic strategy that, considering its structure and components, allows it to positively influence the development of cognitive stimulation for the learning of literacy in students with disabilities. Conclusions. The importance of cognitive stimulation in students with disabilities is reaffirmed, with special interest in learning to read and write. A didactic strategy was designed, which considering its structure and components was favorably validated by the specialists consulted, confirming its usefulness in the process of cognitive stimulation for the learning of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities. The application of the proposed proposal could positively influence the solution of the existing problem, notably contributing to improving the literacy learning process in these students.

Janeth Margarita Quimi Quimi, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Techno-scientific innovation for the strengthening of E-government an appreciation from the approach of science - technology - society studies

Introduction The COVID 19 pandemic forced digitalization and techno-scientific innovation in order to generate development in the face of the slowdown in human mobility, in this area the present research is based on the existence of dissatisfaction with the services on the part of the clients of the decentralized autonomous governments (GADs) of the province of Chimborazo. The objective of this research is to design an action plan based on science - technology - society studies to increase the satisfaction of E-government clients, for which a review of the literature on projects, local development, and techno-scientific innovation, which allowed the authors a better understanding of the subject. Methodology, a document review guide, an observation guide and a satisfaction survey were applied to the clients of the project that provided valuable information for the diagnosis of the current situation of the main causes and difficulties. Results, all the information collected during the investigation allowed the design of a plan that is adjusted to the main needs to reverse the existing situation. Conclusions The systematization of the theoretical references and the analysis of customer satisfaction made it possible to determine that techno-scientific innovation is a transversal axis and not a pillar of development, considering that technology is another productive factor.

José Fabián Fonseca Vasconez, Carmita Efigenia Andrade Álvarez, Jimena Catalina Viteri Ojeda


Analysis of the reduction of the bandwidth consumption of an ISP through the study of the Web Proxy Cache Server

Introduction. Bandwidth consumption is a valuable resource in companies today, the need to constantly improve response times in requests for web services has led to the search for efficient means that meet the requirements of the network, decreasing the bandwidth that is consumed. Objective. Analyze the reduction of the bandwidth consumption of an ISP by studying the Web Proxy Cache Server for the company FASTNET CIA. LTDA. Methodology. The research design was quantitative. An analysis of the TELCO network was carried out applying the Comprehensive Methodology for Advanced Networks (MIRA), thus obtaining its strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, different cache proxy web server options were studied, including: HAARPCACHE, RAPTOR CACHE, SQUID, THUNDERCACHE, expanding the range of options for proper implementation. three scenarios were configured; the first base its structure on the node "Nat Langos AS" without any variant, the second scenario was differentiated by having the HAARPCACHE server installed on the HP Proliant dl-385P server and the third changes the server for RAPTOR CACHE implemented in it. computer. Results. The HAARPCACHE server met 90% of these conditions and resulted in 17.25% savings in business bandwidth, while RAPTORCACHE met 45% of the measures and created savings corresponding to 8.82%. Conclusions. It is concluded that the most suitable server for FASTNET CIA. LTDA. Due to its reliability and saving capacity, it is HAARPCACHE, in addition to a considerable reduction in bandwidth, thus improving user performance.

Marco Vinicio Ramos Valencia, Steven Alejandro Salazar Cazco, Jhonatan Guillermo Díaz León, José Alberto Rivadeneira Romero
