Published: 2021-06-05

Characterization of lupine shell flour (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) for agroindustrial and medicinal applications

Introduction: Choco husk is an agro-industrial waste generated by premises that are dedicated to the sale and marketing of this legume, despite having excellent nutritional properties, they have not been used and continue to be a waste in the transformation line. Objetive: Characterize lupine shell flour (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) through bromatological, macro and micronutrient and microbiological analyzes. Methodology: The pre-experimental study was developed in the Laboratories of the Agroindustrial Engineering career of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Chimborazo and of the State University of Bolívar; As experimental material, 4 kg of debittered lupine shells were used INIAP 450 for the subsequent elaboration of the flour for the bromatological and microbiological characterization of the product. Results: In the bromatological analysis, high percentages of fiber (73.4) and protein (11.3) were observed compared to the NTE INEN 2 390: 2004 2005-9 norm, in terms of macro and micronutrients, the calcium values ​​(4896.15 mg / kg) stood out, Potassium (1068.5 mg / kg) and iron (58.5 mg / kg) compared to the NTE-INEN-616: 2006-01 standard, the presence of molds and yeasts, Mesophilic Aerobes and Escherichia coli was controlled by the NTE-INEN standard- 616: 2006-01; which guarantees product safety. Conclusions: With the properties found, it is expected that the flour will be used as an additive in the elaboration of functional and pharmacological foods.

Sonia Lourdes Rodas Espinoza, Jessica Alexandra Marcatoma Tixi, Angela del Rocío Calderón Calderón, Lourdes Flora Cuadrado Merino


Management by competencies in the training of sustainable business entrepreneurs. An analysis from the academic

Introduction, Globalization has eliminated commercial borders, giving rise to the prevalence of competition, causing the strongest to resist market pressures and the weakest to go bankrupt, and has even caused some businesses to remain only in their incubation phase. Objective to identify the competencies in the training of sustainable business entrepreneurs, which is a recurring theme nowadays, where the formation of human capital requires increasingly competitive transformations, with a level of knowledge and attitudes with greater influence on the knowledge of science, technology and innovation, and the formation of ethical values ​​that decisively influence the development of countries. Methodology, this study considers empirical and non-empirical research methods because it was based on analyzing the skills and attitudes of the human talent to undertake in a territory based on its structure a, infrastructure and superstructure Result, the profile of the entrepreneur is made up of seven fundamental competencies to maintain a technical management that ensures the levels of financial contributions to promote sustainable development. Conclusions, it is required to have professionals That they achieve this training with higher quality and this demands new strategies for its development from the labor entities, and from all the administrative technical personnel that contribute to a better performance of their activity. Currently, organizations tend to determine, based on their environment and their organizational strategy, which are the competencies that really produce superior performance.

José Fabián Fonseca Vasconez, Carmita Efigenia Andrade Álvarez, María Gabriela Tobar Ruiz


Implementation of the environmental strategy Cleaner Production (CP) for the production process of the microenterprise Productos Lácteos del Norte

This article aims to implement the environmental strategy Cleaner Production (CP) in the productive process of the small company Productos Lácteos del Norte, through the application of this efficient management strategy, in order to obtain economic savings and minimize the environmental impact for the benefit of industrial sustainability. The article initially makes a brief literary review of CP, its importance, benefits and legal framework. Subsequently, 4 phases were created to implement the strategy, these phases were structured based on the CP Application Guide in the Dairy sector of the CPML of Nicaragua and the General Technical Guide of CP of the CPTS of Bolivia. Finally, the CP environmental strategy was implemented in the small company, through the development of the phases of planning and organization, re-evaluation, evaluation and feasibility study. In the results of the feasibility study, indicators were obtained of: energy consumption of 115,3 W·h/t of cheese, which is within the recommended value; water consumption of 9,06 L of water/kg of milk, which is outside the allowed range. The CP environmental strategy was implemented in the small company, however, the execution of the analysis of proposals in the medium and long term will have to be carried out for its consolidation.

María Soledad Nuñez Moreno


Educational communication and scientific-technological language: a necessary theoretical-methodological assessment for the teaching of Physics

Introduction: Physics is one of the basical subjects in the formation processes in Junior and Senior High schools, as well as in the technical majors in higher education. Researches on didactics of Physics, have not been enough for the implementation of a theoretical-methodological systematization on the development of educational communication and language in the frame of the lessons where learning and knowledge technologies (TAC. Sp) are used. Methodology: analysis-synthesis was used for the assessment of different bibliographic sources on didactics of Physics and some research related to educational communication, lenguage and the use of TAC in the teaching of Physics. Results: during the lessons of Physics where TACs are used, profesors must take into account how they communicate with their students, the use of a scientific-technological language, the interpretation that science has made to the scientific-technological language, the way each teaching activity is oriented, the purpose, the students’ interests and motivations according to their previous knowledge, the knowledge comprehension and interpretation, the abilities to write, read, explain and argue about science; that is why the professor’s performance must be communicative. Conclusions: Communication emerges as one of the essential processes of the teaching-learning process of Physics. It is manifested as a nucleus of the didactics constructions that enables the design of the communicative process, in relation to the need of teaching the contents in a more comprehensible way. The Communicative Didactics of Sciences Theory is a precedent that provides valid theoretical-methodological results for further researches on the didactics of Physics from the communicative process, but it is necessary to continue studying, introducing and generalizing innovations in this field.  

Alexander Torres-Hernández
