Curricular adaptations in the inclusion of children with down syndrome in the physical education class

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Francisco Xavier Goya Veira
Eva Verónica Ordeñana Morales
Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Introduction: Offering timely pedagogical and didactic responses that contribute to the inclusion process in the Physical Education class continues to constitute a topic of special interest; In accordance with what has been indicated and considering the situation manifested in the “Cardenal Bernardino Echeverría Ruíz” Educational Unit of Guayaquil, due to shortcomings in motor performance and in the process of inclusion in the Physical Education class of students who have Down Syndrome, the research carried out had the objective of: Designing a system of curricular adaptations to improve motor performance and the inclusion process in the Physical Education class of students with Down Syndrome. Methodology. Research was followed with a mixed approach, of a quasi-experimental type, focused on a case study and supported using theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as observation and interviews. The sample was selected according to inclusion criteria, establishing itself in the lower secondary school of the reference Educational Unit. Results. It is possible to provide a system of possible curricular adaptations to be developed in the Physical Education class for students with Down Syndrome. The importance of offering pedagogical and didactic responses supported by the various levels of help and adaptations of resources, tasks, methodologies, and forms of evaluation to facilitate the process of inclusion of students with Down Syndrome in the Physical Education class is confirmed. Conclusions. It is concluded that the application for 5 weeks of the curricular adaptations in the Playful Practices curricular block: games and playing, contributed to the improvement of the inclusion process, with emphasis on the student who has Down Syndrome, evidencing the improvement of their motor skills, functionality and the inclusion process within the class.


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How to Cite
Goya Veira, F. X., Ordeñana Morales, E. V., & Maqueira Caraballo, G. de la C. (2024). Curricular adaptations in the inclusion of children with down syndrome in the physical education class. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2), 152–180.