Cognitive stimulation. Basis for the process of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities.

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Janeth Margarita Quimi Quimi
Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Introduction. Cognitive stimulation from an early age constitutes a fundamental premise for the training of learning processes in children, especially in those with an intellectual disability. Objective. To analyze the influence of cognitive stimulation in the process of acquisition of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities in elementary basic education. Methodology. The investigative procedure was determined by a type of descriptive research, supported by theoretical and empirical methods. For the collection of information, different instruments were used within these, an observation guide, a questionnaire and an estimation scale, which favored the obtaining of data of great interest. Results. 1. The theoretical referents consulted corroborate the importance and usefulness of cognitive stimulation for the literacy learning process in students with intellectual disabilities. 2. The existing limitations in teachers caused by ignorance about how to perform cognitive stimulation for the process of acquisition of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities are determined. 3. It is necessary to design a didactic strategy that, considering its structure and components, allows it to positively influence the development of cognitive stimulation for the learning of literacy in students with disabilities. Conclusions. The importance of cognitive stimulation in students with disabilities is reaffirmed, with special interest in learning to read and write. A didactic strategy was designed, which considering its structure and components was favorably validated by the specialists consulted, confirming its usefulness in the process of cognitive stimulation for the learning of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities. The application of the proposed proposal could positively influence the solution of the existing problem, notably contributing to improving the literacy learning process in these students.


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How to Cite
Quimi Quimi, J. M., & Maqueira Caraballo, G. de la C. (2021). Cognitive stimulation. Basis for the process of literacy in students with intellectual disabilities. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.2), 69–80.