Published: 2023-08-01

Study of the behavior of a single-seater vehicle with the use of hydrogen as supplementary fuel

Introduction: The progressive scarcity of fossil fuels because of his high demand worldwide, in addition to generate the highest concentration of polluting gases that cause climate change and affect the health of human beings. Objective: the objective of this research is to analyze the feasibility of implementing a gaseous hydrogen generator as additional fuel in an internal combustion engine of a single-seater vehicle to demonstrate if there is an improvement in engine performance, fuel consumption and reduction of polluting gas emissions. Methodology: The methodology of this research is to perform an experimental campaign for the execution of functional tests on the three points to prove. Results: As a result of the implementation, in the first test there is a reduction of 1.6 HP of power and 3.01 Nm of torque, however, the second test about fuel consumption shows a saving of 14.13%, and in the last test describes the concentration of exhaust gases, similarly under dynamic conditions an average reduction is obtained of 0.73% CO2, 2.00 CO, 510.10 PPM and an increase of 1.67% O2. Conclusion: In comparison on the description of the manufacturers of the hydrogen generator, it is detailed that it improves engine power, reduces fuel consumption between a range of 20 to 40%, and likewise describe that can reduce 80% of polluting gases, for this reason, by means of this study those specifications were found to be invalid.

Juan Carlos Quinchuela Paucar, Javier Milton Solís Santamaría, Gustavo Emanuel Martillo Jiménez, Danny Alexander Cali Pillco


The importance of mathematics in data structure: optimization and efficiency

Introduction: This article explores the importance of mathematics in data structure, a fundamental concept in the field of computer science. Data structures are used to organize and store information efficiently, and mathematics provides the theoretical foundations necessary for their design and optimization. Through concrete examples and case studies, it is shown how mathematical concepts, set theory, combinatorics, and probability, are essential to develop efficient data structures and solve complex problems. Objectives: This article highlights the inseparable relationship between mathematics and data structure, and how its mastery is fundamental to achieve efficient and optimized programming. Methodology: This article is based on qualitative research through the bibliographic review of documents that support the veracity of the information extended in each of them, the collection of data focuses on the search for scientific articles in journals such as SciELO, Elseiver Dialnet, Skopein, among others, books around mathematics. Conclusions: mathematics plays a fundamental role in data structure in the field of computer science, efficient and optimized data structures are essential for the development of high-performance software. General area of study: Mathematics. Specific area of study: Programming and computer science.

Lourdes Valeria Andino Célleri, Jimena Catalina Viteri Ojeda, Carmita Efigenia Andrade Álvarez, Verónica Janeth Argüello Pazmiño


Economic valuation of the environmental services of the Ricpamba Interpretation Center of the city of Riobamba year 2017

By applying the contingent method related to natural resources, and determining the economic value of the environmental services of the Ricpamba Interpretación Center in 2017, it is established that the approximate cost of investment and the willingness to pay DAP to conserve the resources made up of 12 life zones that house forest species, ornamentals and tourist attractions, these being numerically coded, register an economic summary, estimated at $375,286.78. Through the application of the survey technique, data was obtained for environmental assessment, with the objective of recognizing the willingness to pay (WTP) of visitors to conserve the main ecosystem services. From a sample of 383 respondents, it was determined that 95 % visitors recognize the environmental benefit; 85% present the willingness to pay a monetary value for conservation. of 018.29 cents, the same that is considered as a source of economic income to pay for environmental conservation, obtaining as a result net present value of $234.00. Through the special tax collection ordinance for the population of Riobamba, conservation costs can be sustained, since CIAR is the responsibility of all of us involved. Environmental services, even though they are inventoried within the cadastre as a public Good, should not be considered as a SUBSIDIZED service.

Klever Xavier Valle Logroño, Franklin Roberto Quishpi Choto, Marco Marcel Paredes Herrera, Celso Vladimir Benavides Enríquez


Child-to-Parent Violence: A new form of violence present in Ecuador

Introduction: Violence has been an evil present in society throughout history, over the years it has undergone various changes and with them the presence of new forms of violence has been identified, including child-to-parent violence. , this type of violence occurs from the children towards the parents regardless of whether they are minors or adults, it can be physical or psychological. In Ecuador, the pertinent state entities must adapt or generate pertinent regulations that may be effective when seeking to reduce or eradicate this problem. Methodology: The inductive-deductive method was used, which has an approach related to the dogmatic vision, based on the deduction of the problem, through its explanation and argumentation, intertwining the information collected with the legal system object. of the study, in order to establish possible solutions Results: The necessary creation of a regulation referring to child-to-parent violence in the Ecuadorian state is evident, understanding that in the absence of it, the current regulations in force must be adapted to regulate this problem, until that the pertinent authorities issue the definitive norm, in addition to the creation of an applicable law, the need to generate spaces for attention to this kind of violence should be considered where the family relationship can be recovered, understanding that the family is one of the main pillars for the proper functioning of the state. Conclusion: Child-to-parent violence is a problem that must be regulated as a matter of urgency, but its emergence is established in the development environment of the subject, which is why there is a need to create safe spaces where minors have a space proper growth, thus managing to eradicate the problem before it appears. General study area: law.

Specific area of ​​study: family civil law.

Mateo Alexander Tapia Barrera, Carlos Julio Fajardo Romero


Evaluation of the use of social media platforms offered by telecommunications companies

Introduction: Modern social networks have revolutionized the way people connect, overcoming geographical and language barriers. Through mobile devices, instant communication has become the norm, with the simple creation of a profile that allows you to connect with friends and family, promote products and services, and discover new like-minded contacts, regardless of location or language. Methodology: The research was conducted among adult students of a higher education institution in Ambato, Tungurahua. This underscores the importance of understanding how these platforms and services affect our interactions in an increasingly interconnected world. Objectives:  the purpose of this study is to analyze the level of adoption and participation of users in the social media platforms provided by telecommunications companies, in the same way to evaluate the quality of the services and the user experience used by the social media platforms offered by them. Results: it is relevant to highlight that, after surveying the population of 134 students, it has been corroborated that, despite the prohibitive costs associated with the use of services, the preference of these students falls on Claro's mobile devices. Conclusions: Mobile telecommunications companies need to prioritize improving their network coverage and expanding their service offerings. General study area: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Specific study area: Digital Communication Technologies.

Paulo César Torres Abril, Santiago David Jara Moya, Leonardo David Torres Valverde


Analysis of the participation of minors in mediation processes in family conflicts

Introduction: The participation of children and adolescents in family mediation in family conflicts is given priority, since their contribution guarantees their right to be heard, making them participate in matters that affect them, and express their emotions, feelings, and desires at the time of their intervention. Objectives: Distinguish mediation from other alternative methods of conflict resolution. Investigate the various theories on the basis of which the need for the participation of children and adolescents in family conflicts is established, in order to ensure the protection of their rights in accordance with the principle of the children and adolescents in mediation processes in family conflicts is viable. Methodology: This article presents a descriptive documentary review on the importance of the participation of minors in family mediation processes, respecting their right to be heard, effectively and correctly asserting the principle of the best interests of the child in order to safeguard their interests and respect their rights. This work defends the importance of the contribution of minors in these matters and argues that mediation is the way to be adopted for the peaceful solution of disputes of this nature. Results: The participation of minors must be implemented in a mandatory manner in family mediation in order to have a real contribution from minors, training mediators so that they can correctly guide the process by correctly and effectively asserting the principle of the best interests of the child. Conclusion: Family mediation in Ecuador does not have mediators properly trained for the case as in other countries such as Spain, México and Chiles, these countries have mediators trained to guide the process correctly with the intervention of minors, therefore, in Ecuador, in the absence of training, the rights of children and adolescents are often violated, thus reaching erroneous agreements.

Kelly Geomara Arbito Iñiguez , Nube Catalina Calle Masache
