Published: 2022-01-05

The digital communication and the behavior of the consumer of the company Textil Buenaño of the canton Ambato

Introduction, the fall in sales in the textile market is due to the deterioration of economic activity, increase in raw materials, tax pressure, lack of advertising campaigns, limited interaction with the client through advertisements, agglomeration of product benefits which harasses the customer at the time of acquiring said product, that is, it is not possible to capture the maximum attention of it. The consumer shows disinterest in purchasing textile products from the Buenaño company, which is due to a lack of motivation. Objective: Analyze consumer behavior to satisfy needs through various stimuli at the time of acquiring a product at the Textil Buenaño company in Ambato canton. Methodology: The true results obtained in the research were immersed in an analysis of external variables such as digital communication and consumer behavior, for which the beneficiaries will be the Textil Buenaño company, the employment rates such as workers in the local industry those that contribute notably to the economic and social growth of the city and, in turn, external distributors customers and more than through constant innovation in the digital field, the same that is adapted in the textile company to be able to satisfy the consumption needs of textile productivity. Results: Among the results, it is observed in Figure 1: Attractive advertising with 70% which is confirmed to be the most demanded for the textile company to interact with customers while in Figure 2: it is confirmed that the Buenaño company generates monthly digital content that corresponds to 50%, in addition in Figure 3: the degree of dissatisfaction to the product offered by the company is observed in this case the Threads with 16.5%, in Figure 4: it is confirmed with 32.5% that it is The advertising issued by the Buenaño company must be improved with bright colors, finally in Figure 5: it is ratified with 18.75% that the online modality for the acquisition of products should be improved. Conclusion: Through digital communication through social networks, blogs, digital platforms, good publicity can be achieved that creates interest in the consumer to acquire the product, in addition to achieving the perception of it through of stimuli (use of bright and saturated colors, vivid images) and innovation of persuasions (originality, creativity). The contribution of the research will be novel because other studies do not focus on digital communication as a benchmark of opportunities for the company and the client that allows them to express themselves in writing through the easy access of digital platforms such as blogs that represents an instantaneous way in which can express their criteria on the product in order to share their thoughts, constructive criticism that help improve textile productivity and ecological preservation.

Mónica Paulina Garcés Veloz, Elías David Caisa Yucailla


Use of bee flora in two apiaries located in La Concordia and Mocache cantons, Ecuador

Introduction. Before planning management activities that allow increasing bee production, data is needed on the floristic elements that make up the land use systems adjacent to the apiaries, this time for two productive units in zones 4 and 5 of Ecuador. Objectives. Recognize plant species with beekeeping potential and estimate their abundance plus the durability of flowering. Methodology. With the use of methods: documentary, and field, for the taxonomic recognition of honey plants, their quantity, plus the monitoring of the flowering of each bee species. Results. The main botanical families with nectariferous and polyniferous species in the study sites are Fabaceae, Anacardiaceae, Asteraceae, and Capparaceae. For apiary C1 there are 14 species, belonging to 12 families, while for apiary C2 there are 22 species, belonging to 14 botanical families. The supply of the floral resource has a similar behavior of abundance of plants between apiaries C1 and C2 despite having a greater number of species with beekeeping potential in apiary C2, which is due to the management that is applied to the areas that make up the different systems of land use of each property. Conclusion. Finally, the duration of the flowers of the species that offer food to the bees of apiaries C1 and C2 ranges from 1 to 12 months during the year 2020 with a predominance for the apiary C1 of Cordia alliodora, Erythrina edulis, Senna alata, Inga edulis, Persea americana, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Piper aduncum, and Cestrum racemosum that flower between 10 to 12 months. On the other hand, in apiary C2; Tridax procumbens, Pelargonium sp, and Hydrangea sp bloom throughout the year.

Miguel Ángel Guallpa Calva, Jorge Marcelo Caranqui Aldaz, Armando Esteban Espinoza Espinoza, Víctor Manuel Espinoza


Strategic business management from Information and Communication Technologies: Points and Reflections.

Introduction. The role of strategic management in business organizations is of great importance, together with the need to have an efficient administration of resources, structured logistics with highly qualified, innovative personnel, with a high degree of competitiveness to incorporate the use of ICTs, in their daily activity. Target. Determine the aspects involved in strategic business management from the incorporation of ICTs, the determining factors and the challenges involved. Methodology. The study used a descriptive, non-experimental methodology, based on theoretical methods and documentary review, allowing the essential arguments related to the subject to be established. The established criteria such as: the role of strategic management in business organizations, the elements of the managerial process, the challenges of incorporating ICTs and the determining factors for the adoption of ICTs formed the central ideas of the research. Results. 1. The studies carried out show that leadership and innovation are conclusive factors for the survival of companies. 2. Reaffirms that the use of ICTs is a fundamental and essential tool for perfecting Strategic Management. 3. Mipymes have an inherent fragility due to lack of resources, given the continuous and accelerated technological and market changes. 4. The importance of the determining factors in the adoption of ICTs was specified. 5. The use of ICTs must be part of the business plan and correspond to the corporate and organizational strategy of the same. Conclusions. The systematic review of the literature confirmed the importance of incorporating ICTs as a fundamental tool for improving the strategic management of companies. Technical and organizational elements are provided to proceed with this process, depending on the characteristics of each business organization.

Marco Antonio Gavilanes Sagñay, Fredy Gavilanes Sagnay, Nathalie Azucena Chávez Granados


Estrategias andragógicas para el mejoramiento de la comunicación oral en el idioma inglés

Introduction: taking into consideration that university students are young adults, another way of teaching is needed. In this context, andragogic strategies must be applied to enhance their English language learning process. Objective: this research aims to apply andragogic strategies in the context of telework for the improvement of English oral communication of first-semester students of the industrial maintenance career of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo during the academic period October 2020 - March 2021. Methodology: This study implemented a quasi-experimental, descriptive, and mixed research. To achieve the purpose of this research, two focal groups took part. 80 students from the first semester of the Industrial Maintenance participated. The students belonging the parallel A formed the control group and the students who were registered in the parallel B formed the experimental group.  The groups had the same number of students. At the beginning of the semester, the students took a pre-test; after that, the results were condensed and analyzed. Due to the low scores, the researchers planned a classroom intervention that focused the use of andragogic strategies namely discussions, problem solving, simulations, projects and analysis, to improve the students’ oral communication skills. After finishing the intervention, the students took the post-test with the same characteristics. The pre-test and the post-test had the speaking part of the PET (Preliminary English Exam).  Results: After gathering data, they were analyzed through a statistical software. The means of each group were compared for the pre-test and the post-test as well. In the pre-test an equal level of English oral performance was evidenced; however, in the post test, a significant difference existed. The students belonging the experimental group obtained a mean of 5.48 for the pre-test; on the contrary, they obtained 11.40 in the post-test. On the other hand, the students who belonged the control group, kept the same level of English performance. Conclusion: Andragogic strategies are suitable and helpful to be used in the higher education to improve the students’ oral communication skills; therefore, teachers must use them to contribute with their improvement.

Noemi Mercedes Remache Carrillo, Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema, María Eugenia Rodríguez Durán, Patricia Pilar Moyota Amaguaya


Information and communication technologies as a tool for research methodology

Introduction. The use of Information and Communication Technologies has had a positive impact in different spheres. Target. Determine the incidence of the use of Information and Communication Technologies in the transformation of the Scientific Research Methodology in the context of Higher Education. Methodology. A descriptive methodology was used, based on the Systematic Review of the Literature, supported by theoretical methods and documentary review by establishing referential search criteria. Results. 1. It is evident that ICTs are tools capable of significantly optimizing the quality of Research Methodology in the context of Higher Education, their use allows the objectives set to be achieved in less time and with the required quality, creating spaces for exchange and the generation of solutions. 2. It is shown that the challenge of research at the university lies in the role of the teacher who teaches the subject of Research Methodology, who must have the skills that allow him to carry out tutorial work that brings together knowledge: theoretical, practical and pedagogical and interaction between researchers. 3. It is argued that the information provided by qualitative techniques, using ICT tools, is as valid as that provided by quantitative techniques. 4. There is a risk for the researcher to focus his attention on the use of technological tools above the methodological analysis of the research. Conclusions. The high incidence of Information and Communication Technologies in the transformation of the Scientific Research Methodology in the context of Higher Education is determined, its use constitutes a digital and methodological revolution in research, however, its indiscriminate use can bring risks that must be controlled and avoided permanently.

Marco Antonio Gavilanes Sagñay, Willian Geovanny Yanza Chávez, Johana Katherine Montoya Lunavictoria, Luis Eulogio Benítez Cevallos


Simulation of the influence of bus delays in the operation of the Riobamba bus stops

Introduction. Public transportation plays an important role in most populated areas. Especially in urban regions, these transportation systems are widely used. But unfortunately, this type of service is often the subject of complaints. Customers are annoyed by "unfair prices", by "bad service" and, in particular, they are annoyed in case of delays. Regarding the particular, this article presents a computer simulation model developed with the Promodel Software. Objective. The purpose is to evaluate, through the simulation technique, how the delays of the buses between stops influence the traffic control devices and indiscipline of the drivers in the operation of the bus stops in the city of Riobamba. Methodology. In the methodological field of simulation, a base model is developed. Before designing this model, we specified the research objective in the form of specific numerical outputs; These are the average number of passengers per bus, throughout the line 2 route system, for each group of delays contemplated in the research hypothesis, as well as the average passenger waiting times (see Tables 1 and 2). Results. The model allows simulated results to be obtained if from the complete system scenario we cancel, for example, the delays due to indiscipline (Dpi) to obtain a new scenario: Dep+Dpdis. Now we have a new version of the model that with the support of ProModel allows us to observe the numerical outputs under the influence of the pair: Dep+Dpdis; and so, with the others. Conclusion. The computer simulation model allows us to conclude that the average number of passengers and their waiting time at stops throughout the system are not affected by each type of delay experienced by buses.

Germán Ulises Moreno Arias, Arquímedes Xavier Haro Velastegui


Anthropometric indicators, the basis for the selection of sports talents: Analysis and current affairs at ESPOCH

Introduction. In the sports context, having a good selection of talents is essential to be able to ensure results, hence, emphasizing the timely assessment of anthropometric indicators continues to be a topic of great interest. Target. Determine the anthropometric indicators present in ESPOCH university students, establishing their relationship with possible sports talents. Methodology. A descriptive, analytical methodology was used accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods which allowed to analyze the theoretical background of the subject and determine the anthropometric indicators of height, weight, body mass index in a sample of 1098 students, from 7 Faculties of Superior Polytechnic of Chimborazo (ESPOCH). Results. 1.The observed sample is characterized, determining that the anthropometric results obtained in the students under study constitute an essential aspect to be able to establish possible sports talents. 2. The relationship between anthropometric indicators and possible sports talents is reaffirmed. 3. It is evidenced in the analysis carried out that there are a total of 732 students from the different Faculties who present the greatest anthropometric conditions to be considered possible sports talents. Conclusions. Anthropometric indicators are an essential aspect for the detection and selection of possible sports talents, and it is interesting to observe them in the case of university students, who, due to their age range, behavior of their nutritional status and aptitudes can reach to constitute possible sports talents. Similarly, in the case presented, it is significant to observe the results obtained in the 732 students from the different Faculties, which according to their anthropometric indicators related to: age, height, weight, body mass index, can be followed to detect in them, possible sports talents.

Luis Gustavo Díaz , Orlando David Mazón Moreno, Jorge Giovanny Tocto Lobato, Dennys Andrés Díaz Peñafiel


Prediction of the reliability of non-repairable elements directed to street lighting lamps of street lighting

The purpose of this study is to determine the necessary steps for the calculation of reliability indicators in non-repairable equipment, the study was carried out on a sample of 250 100-watt sodium lamps for public lighting. Being the time to failure TTF the most important parameter to perform a reliability analysis on non-repairable equipment, (time since the equipment installation until its failure), in this case the equipment cannot be repaired, therefore, it must be replaced. After the failure, the optimal data collection is essential to carry out a correct analysis of the reliability indicators. It is necessary to find which of the parametric functions is the one that fits the best the collected data, for this it is imperative to find the Function F(t) that represents the parametric distribution accumulated time to failure and compare it with the non-parametric function or empirical function. Parameters of all selected hypothetical distributions must be calculated with the data collected in this study. For each distribution, the test value is calculated, which is compared with the critical value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov kindness fit test, therefor defining whether the hypotheses are rejected or not. If rejected, it means that the value of the test is greater than the critical value, otherwise the hypotheses are accepted, and the lowest value decides the parametric distribution that fits the best with the sample data. Once the distribution has been selected, reliability indicators can be estimated, such as the cumulative failure probability function F(t), the Survival Function R(t), and the failure rate function, also known as the risk function λ(t). The method will provide a very useful tool for calculating the reliability of repairable equipment and its future evaluation, which will provide ideas for decision-making based on continuous improvement.

César Marcelo Gallegos Londoño, Félix Antonio García Mora, Alex Giovanny Tenicota García


Evaluation of one-dimensional and two-dimensional hydraulic models for the generation of flood maps in a mountain river

Introduction: The hydraulic modeling of a river is a valuable tool for forecasting its behavior for events such as floods. The city of Cuenca in Ecuador is crossed by four rivers. The Tarqui river is one of them, however, this river is considered vulnerable and with special interest in the Guzho sector area, since it presents large floods in the rainy season. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the hydraulic modeling of the Tarqui river, Guzho sector, carried out by the one-dimensional HEC-RAS and two-dimensional IBER models. Objective: Evaluating which of the models constitutes a better alternative for simulation is the objective pursued by this research. Methodology: The research design was quantitative and the evaluation of the models was based on a comparative analysis of the results of the elevations of the water level, velocities and flood areas. Results: The results show that the delimitation of flood zones is very similar in the two software; modeling in HEC-RAS is faster when entering data; IBER shows better quality in the flow images and in the river flood simulation. Conclusion: It is concluded that the IBER two-dimensional model represents a better alternative for modeling, since its water levels and the flooding area are greater than HEC-RAS, results that are considered reliable and that would allow to be on the side of safety in terms of flood management.

María José Navas Muñoz, Carlos Matovelle Bustos, Alexandra Vélez Arcentales , Federico Córdova


Development of spatial thinking in high school students

During time the comprehension of mathematics was, is and will be the main fear of the great majority of students of any age. The objective of the research is to analyze the spatial thinking of students under an application of geometric algebra strategies to two colors. This work is based on a bibliographic review under a qualitative descriptive approach where a thorough review of scientific articles related to the topic in question is carried out. The knowledge of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences to focus this research on one of his most relevant ideas, that of Spatial Intelligence, which refers to the ability of individuals to understand their surrounding reality through figures, objects, spaces, and thus mentally visualize the construction of forms that represent the concepts, understand them, and find several alternative solutions. Applying this idea to the understanding of mathematics, it is proposed that the learner looks at mathematical exercises and problems from a more realistic and easily assimilated point of view. This study will allow the comparison of the approach and its contribution to achieve the development of spatial thinking, observing the results in the implementation of strategies such as two-color geometric algebra, augmented reality, and remote virtual environments for learning, showing that academic performance is significantly increased.

Jorge Luis Puyol-Cortez, Julio César ivadeneira-Moreira, Holger Arturo Intriago-Mairongo, Nilo Alberto Benavides-Solís
