Published: 2021-11-09

Quality of the financial services of the rural cooperatives of the province of Tungurahua: a view from the technological innovation

Introduction. In a world of rapid change in which the financial services sector of rural cooperatives in the province of Tungurahua finds itself, the competitiveness of companies represents a crucial factor when it comes to facing each other, however, the absence of Technological innovation weakens the improvement of the quality of services in rural cooperatives. Objective. This research work has been prepared taking into account "technological innovation" in order to identify aspects that contribute to the improvement of the quality of financial services of rural cooperatives. Methodology. The data obtained, by means of the investigative instrument such as the survey statistically validated with Cronbach's Alpha with a result of 0.88, with a questionnaire of 23 questions applied to 384 external clients, the level of correlation of the variables was estimated by the application of the Sperman test obtaining significant values ​​at the 0.01 level. Results. It was determined that the degree of use of technological elements is relatively low. Conclution. Which has a relative impact on the improvement of the quality of the services of rural cooperatives settled in the province of Tungurahua.

Walter Ramiro Jiménez-Silva, Iván Fernando Silva-Ordoñez, Mario Patricio Padilla-Martínez


Relevance? of principlism for the ethics of regional biomedical research in times of the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic constitutes a challenge for humanity. This has become an exceptional catalyst in the debates around the ethics of biomedical research that needs to go with the scientific-investigative processes, indispensable today, in the search for solutions to the state of epidemiological catastrophe experienced by humanity. For the countries of Our America, these debates acquire the greatest relevance/specificity, since on many occasions, less global and authentic emergencies have led to the implementation of international, unilateral, and abusive biomedical research. It is in this context that it is surprising that the Pan American Health Organization has issued a regulatory instrument as Guidance for the ethical supervision of COVID-19 research in the face of the generation of new evidence (2020), which is profoundly principlist. The objective of this article is: to analyze the relevance? of principlism for the ethics of regional biomedical research in times of the current pandemic. Above the recognition of the value that for this field and context they have: the protection of social vulnerability, the opposition to a double ethical standard to evaluate the moral validity of controlled clinical trials, the moral responsibility of the sponsors towards the research subjects a once the study is concluded, and the centrality of solidarity for research with foreign “cooperation”; four precepts, not in vain, already identified in CIOMS-WHO Guidelines (2002).

Ingrid González López


Natural language processing techniques in textual conversational artificial intelligence

Introduction: the internet is advancing at every moment changing the technological landscape of virtual interaction or communication, forcing companies and industries to venture into improving the experience of their customers, which is not only in having websites, social networks and others, but it also leads to improve communication channels and how to interact with each of them. Chatbots allow customers to interact with companies anywhere and at any time, which solves the main problem of costs of call centers or schedules of attention by WhatsApp messages. By adding artificial intelligence based on natural language processing, textual interaction is improved, going from programmed responses to understanding the intention of a user, regardless of the fact that the wording is not specific to our database. Objective: this article aims to analyze bibliographic information on the different AI programming techniques based on NLP and applied to chatbots for textual conversations. Methodology: being literature review research, it is framed in the qualitative methodology, seeking relevant data on the topic of study. Results: the analysis of the different techniques within the creation of chatbots and their implementations will be presented. Conclusions: a complete analysis of the technique with the best benefits at the moment of creating an intelligent agent capable of maintaining a conversation in natural language and interpreting the users' intention will be presented.

Ricardo Javier Celi-Parraga, Eleanor Alexandra Varela-Tapia, Iván Leonel Acosta-Guzmán, Nestor Rafael Montaño-Pulzara


Evaluation of the climatic variability in the Chillanes canton through the parameters of precipitation and temperature

Introduction: Climate variability in recent decades has intensified in the South American region, making it imperative to explore adequate adaptation and mitigation strategies to offset its current and future adverse impacts. Objective: To evaluate the climatic variability in the Chillanes canton located in the Hoya del Chimbo, Bolívar province, Ecuador, through the parameters of precipitation and temperature. Methodology: We used data extracted from monthly meteorological series of precipitation and temperature from the Chillanes-M130 Climate Station of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CSNIMH), period 1989 – 2015. The series showed missing data that were completed using a univariate method of the difference criterion and later the climatic anomaly was verified by calculating the climatic anomalies of precipitation and temperature. Results: The analysis carried out in the 27 years did not show rainfall anomalies examined at 95% confidence with respect to the mean, therefore, it is considered a stable behavior despite the existence of natural phenomena of strong rainfall intensity such as the El Niño phenomenon in 1997. Conclusions: The temperature presented a positive anomaly that reveals that the annual average temperature is above the historical average recorded in the 27 years of study, showing an increase in temperature of 0.8 ° C, which indicates that with respect to the temperature there is a climatic variability in the place of study.

Franz Patricio Verdezoto-Mendoza, Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Anita Karina Serrano-Castro, Luis Fernando Verdezoto-del-Salto


The emotions of children and adolescents in the face of virtual education due to the health crisis

Introduction. With the appearance of the sanitary emergency provoked by the COVID 19, the education field turned completely virtual, it was in order to solve the quarantine situation which didn’t allow students to go to schools, colleges and universities. With this new educative system, which all people was forced to, new challenges appeared due to the fast changes. No students or teachers were well prepared for this alterations. Because of this situation, a question appears: which are the children emotions facing the virtual education during the pandemic time? Objective. In order to answer this question, this paper propose the objective of determine the emotions children feel facing the virtual education during the pandemic time. Methodology. In order to get the results, this paper was based in a qualitative and ethnographic investigation, which searched to do a detailed description related to children emotions facing the virtual classes during the pandemic. Results. These results showed that children had positive emotions and feelings like surprise, happiness and enthusiasm, but they also experienced fear and frustration, most of the time for not having the technological issues needed to attend their classes. Conclusion. This paper conclude that children and teenagers are facing positive and negative emotions, however, most of them feel fear and frustration due to a educative system they do not understand, because they don’t feel prepared to deal with it due to their lack of knowledge and technological devices.

Ángela Rosario Flores Vélez, Leticia Cedeño Macías, Rosalyn Cedeño Zambrano, Ángela Katherine Vera Moreira
