Fuel consumption and pollutant emissions analysis at different proportions and lubricating oils brands for two-stroke engines using extra and super gasoline
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The consumption of extra and super fuels in combination with three brands of oils A, B and C, and the exhaust gas emissions in a 171cc two-stroke engine were analyzed at different proportions. First, three brands of coded oils were defined as, A (Motorex), B (Golden Bear) and C (Motul), and the extra and super fuels. Each brand of oil was mixed with the two types of gasoline, applying a mixture formula with the help of the oil manufacturer's manual and laboratory equipment to obtain exact quantities, thus obtaining six different mixtures or combinations. For fuel consumption tests, 5 samples were taken from each combination and the two-stroke engine was run at idle for 20 minutes and the consumption of each combination was determined, resulting in the C oil (Motul) whose 25: 1 ratio, generates lower fuel consumption. For the exhaust gas analysis, the free acceleration method of the INEN 2202 standard was applied, which allowed observing the coloration and opacity of the exhaust gases of each mixture, resulting in C Oil (Motul) reducing fuel consumption. and it has an average opacity of 60% if it is mixed with the extra gasoline, in turn, said opacity is reduced to 40% when the mixture is with the super gasoline. The consumption results were contrasted with the ANOVA statistical test in MINITAB obtaining a p value (1.617E-20) <α (0.05) accepting the alternative hypothesis, supported by a qualitative analysis for the gas results
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