Traditional games of the Shuar culture: inclusion alternative for students with mild intellectual disability

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John Oswaldo Moncayo Chiriap
Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Introduction. Ecuador is a megadiverse country made up of various peoples and nationalities. The Shuar Culture stands out in this diversity. The term Shuar, in their language, means “human being”, over time the periods of marginalization and exclusion that the members of this culture have gone through are recognized, until today where they stand out for their cultural values ​​that make them a recognized population in the country. The research carried out is based on assessing the importance of rescuing traditional games of the Shuar culture as a viable alternative to promote the processes of social and educational inclusion of this population group with emphasis on students with disabilities. intellectual. Aim. Design a system of traditional games based on the traditions of the Shuar culture as an alternative for the inclusion of students with mild intellectual disabilities in the Physical Education class. Methodology. The research followed a qualitative, quasi-experimental approach, supported by theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as observation and interviews. The sample comes from the CECIB Valle del Río Pastaza Educational Center in the Peas community, in the province of Pastaza, made up of 13 fifth grade students of Basic Education, among which 3 students have mild intellectual disability. Results. 1. A proposal for traditional games organized in 5 sessions is provided, whose structure follows a logical order, composed of title, objective, methodological explanation, materials and adaptations, which facilitates articulating the objectives of each game with the development of skills and motor abilities in the students under study, allowing a positive influence on their inclusion process in the Physical Education class in a creative and fun way. Conclusions. The feasibility of the proposal was validated through the pedagogical experience carried out, confirming the value and importance of the rescue of traditional games to maintain the cultural roots of the Shuar community and at the same time facilitate the inclusion and participation of all students in the class. of Physical Education.


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How to Cite
Moncayo Chiriap, J. O., & Maqueira Caraballo , G. de la C. (2024). Traditional games of the Shuar culture: inclusion alternative for students with mild intellectual disability. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2.2), 6–27.