Published: 2024-08-12

Implementation of a web application for the analysis of liquidity risk in cooperatives

Introduction: Credit unions play a crucial role in serving the financial needs of their members and other individuals, especially those who have traditionally been excluded from the conventional financial system. Objectives: The objective of this research is the implementation of a web application for the analysis of the liquidity risk of cooperatives. The research is of an application type, since the project will incorporate a set of characteristics that provide the use of technological tools to solve the problems for the analysis of liquidity risk indices. Methodology: In addition, it was decided to use the XP development methodology together with its practices, following the stipulated process. For the development stage, the use of iterations was implemented to monitor the project. At the end of the development, the incorporation and analysis of usability is carried out, focusing on the indicators of learnability, accessibility, operability and recognizability of adequacy, through a survey as a tool of the empirical method and a software tool for the analysis of the heuristic method. Results: As a result, it is determined that the usability of the application is high compared to the average of the indicators mentioned above with 77.97% determining it as good. Conclusions: The implementation of the web application for the analysis of liquidity risks was achieved to streamline the decision-making processes in cooperatives since this index represents assertive decision-making in each financial institution. General area of study: Information Technology applied to Finance. Specific area of study: Software. Type of study: original, applicative, descriptive.

Wellington Francisco Cabezas Lucio, Jhonnathan Rafael Castillo Quiroz, Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera, Miguel Angel Duque Vaca


Exploring polarization mode dispersion in NZDSF Optical Fiber: An analysis according to ITU-T G.655

Introduction: This article addresses the crucial problem of polarization mode scattering (PMD) in optical communication systems, evaluating the effectiveness of compensators and post-compensators in their mitigation. Objective: To analyze the main characteristics of the phenomenon of scattering by polarization mode (PMD) in optical fibers NZDSF. Methodology: Simulations were performed in various scenarios, considering variables such as wavelength, transmission distance and transmission speed. Results: The results highlight the complexity of the challenge and the variability in the efficiency of the compensators, with promising findings in the improvement of quality and reliability of optical transmission, especially with post compensators. However, it points to the need for additional adjustments to optimize its performance in specific environments. Conclusion: This study underlines the importance of carefully and flexibly addressing the challenges of dispersion in optical fiber systems to ensure optimum performance in various operating conditions. General area of study: Telecommunications Engineering. Specific area of study: Optical fibers. Type of study: Original research

Diego Andrés Torres Clavijo , Oswaldo Geovanny Martínez Guashima, Jaime David Camacho Castillo, Joffre Stalin Monar Monar


Analysis and evaluation of signal efficiency parameters in a transmission system over fiber optics using QAM modulation and employing Optisystem

Introduction: This work addresses the design of an optical communications transmission system using QAM modulation and the OptiSystem software, which will help analyze the signal during the transmission process, resulting in different variations of this type. of modulation such as 4-QAM, 8-QA, 16-QAM, 32-QAM, 64-QAM at different distances, also considering the type of fiber used for long distances such as single-mode, in this way the results obtained to analyze are to be the Q factor, BER, threshold, with which an analysis will be given in each of the aforementioned cases. Objectives: Analyze and evaluate the efficiency parameters of a signal in a simulation scheme of an optical communications system. Methodology: The methodology used to analyze and evaluate the different efficiency parameters of a signal, simulations of an optical communications system have been carried out using QAM modulation based on a diagram designed in the OptiSystem software with its different tools, the analyzed signal will go from a transmitter to a receiver, considering a medium whose distance will be variable, and in the same way the type of optical fiber considered in this case for long distances becomes single-mode because it has transmission efficiency over long distances and thus, to analyze the eye diagrams, the bit error rate, threshold, and the quality factor of the signal at reception. Results: The results of this work have been satisfactory since it shows in each graph, the different values ​​of signal performance with the variations that QAM modulation has, and in different cases there is better signal performance depending on the distance.   Conclusions: This work has shown that the digital signal must be treated according to the service that is going to be used, and that QAM modulation will offer greater spectral efficiency when a higher order such as 64-QAM is used compared to a higher order. lower. , a cost of increased noise sensitivity. General study area: Telecommunications. Specific area of ​​study: Optical Communications. Type of study: Original, technical project, optical communications.

Henry Jeanpiere Barreno Gómez, Oswaldo Geovanny Martínez Guashima, Jorge Rigoberto López Ortega, Darwin Paul Carrión Buenaño


Design of the industrial process for the production of shampoo from the saponin of the penco root.

Introduction: Currently there is a variety of shampoos, which are made from chemical components, which is a liquid soap to wash your hair, which is used to eliminate sebum from the scalp. Therefore, this product is used to replace these components derived from petroleum, using biodegradable chemical products, which has generated environmental problems, based on the Ecuadorian Technical Standard for Shampoo Surfactant Agents delimited in INEN 051. Objective: Design a process industrial for the production of shampoo from the saponin of the penco root (American agave) for the “natural infusions and cosmetics” factory, Method: in this research, inductive, deductive and experimental methods will be used to compile information and data during the development of this project Results: results obtained are useful for validating the design of the manufacturing process of this product, therefore the following values ​​are obtained: total fat matter 25.10%; anionic surfactants 10.29%; free alkalinity (NaOH) 0%; free acidity 0.23% and pH 7.50. These findings demonstrate that the shampoo meets the specifications of the standard and that no parameter is out of range; Therefore, the process is validated, which indicates that a high quality product with biodegradable characteristics has been obtained Conclusion: A physical-chemical analysis of the biodegradable liquid shampoo created in the laboratory was carried out, according to the Ecuadorian Technical Standard NTE INEN 851: Active tensile agents. Shampoo. Requirements, a standard that establishes the minimum quality standards of the finished product that is suitable for home use after hair washing.

Mónica Lilián Andrade Avalos, Verónica Mercedes Cando Brito, Víctor Oswaldo Cevallos Vique, Elizabeth Del Rocío Escudero Vilema


Early emergence of tourism in the American continent in the 19th century

Introducción:  En el Siglo XIX se dieron las primeras manifestaciones de significación de turismo en Europa, con las que comenzó la era del turismo tal como se concibe hoy - viajes voluntarios por razones de placer, negocio y otros motivos y no para ejercer una actividad remunerada. En Las Américas en el Siglo XIX igualmente se presentan manifestaciones noveles de actividades turísticas. Objetivo:  El objeto de esta investigación es indagar sobre el surgimiento de un turismo temprano en los países que integran el continente americano durante el Siglo XIX, identificando cuáles países y actividades turísticas fueron desarrolladas durante ese periodo histórico. Metodología:  El trabajo se realizó a partir del análisis bibliográfico de diferentes materiales asociados a esta actividad, así como del método de análisis-síntesis para el arribo a conclusiones.  Resultados: La investigación encontró que en Estados Unidos, México, Perú y Cuba en la primera parte de este Siglo y en Canadá, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay en la segunda parte del XIX, se producen manifestaciones de este turismo incipiente o temprano. Conclusión: No se encontraron evidencias de manifestaciones de algún tipo de turismo en otros países de América en el Siglo XIX. Así, como ocurrió en Europa, se puede afirmar que en el Siglo XIX comienza también en Las Américas directamente la historia del turismo. Área de estudio general: Turismo, Área de estudio específica: Historia del turismo

Héctor Salvador Ayala Castro, Luis Efraín Velasteguí López, Sara Nidhya Camacho Estrada


The tics as a tool for learning the English language in higher education institutions

Introduction. Currently, each space in the higher educational environment constitutes the favorable scenario of dynamic appearance where the ease in obtaining information gives the impression that knowledge is ephemeral and unstable where the magnitude of the changes can however lead to superficiality, inconsistency, and the overvaluation of the ephemeral and banal. In the 21st century scenario, computers are as common as today's telephones. The digital illiteracy rate has extended to computational incompetence. But the task of education is not simply to train future generations of intelligent machine users, in the same way that it is not enough to teach reading and writing. We must turn this communications revolution into a true revolution of human understanding. Objective. Analyze five English language learning scenarios where ICTs are involved as a learning tool with students from the higher education system in Ecuador. Methodology. To determine the impact of ICTs on learning the English language, five scenarios have been proposed that range sociologically from the catastrophic to the overwhelmingly optimistic, a fundamental component for the development of society in the domain of the English language. Results. The correct application and dosage of ICTs allow capturing the attention of students in the higher education system in their different areas of knowledge, which requires that pedagogy and andragogy explore the implementation of tools and the creation of new material that attracts students and professional profile skills are improved. Conclusion. The debate on the implications of artificial intelligence and English language learning in terms of higher education controlled by higher education centers is developed with particular emphasis on the field of science and the ideology of monolingualism, so deeply rooted in Latin Americans. and between many of its scientists, seems to support and justify such a complete transition that requires the use of platforms and tools for the development of material that exercises and tests knowledge with intelligent algorithms that allow strengthening reasoning abilities.

Nanci Margarita Inca Chunata, Rocio de Los Ángeles Barragán Murillo, Lourdes Emperatriz Paredes Castelo, Jorge Ivan Quinaluiza Diaz


The contribution of the English language in the interpretation of cultural resources in the heritage tourist route of the rural area of Riobamba

Introduction: Tourism, beyond its obvious contribution to economic development, is a powerful vehicle for integration and understanding between peoples. Objectives: This research focuses on the design of a heritage tourist route linked to the religious sphere in the rural area of ​​the Riobamba canton, province of Chimborazo, with the objective of integrating tourism with cultural heritage, to promote the conservation of cultural heritage. material and immaterial of rural parishes. Methodology: The methodology corresponds to a technical study that used bibliographic review, field observation and application of surveys as research techniques, which allowed obtaining the necessary information for the articulation of the tourist route. Results: The results achieved indicate in an initial diagnosis the existence of a significant architectural and cultural heritage, which includes historic churches and religious festivities that are essential for local identity. 60 cultural resources are identified in rural parishes, although deficiencies are observed in basic infrastructure, especially in services such as drinking water and sewage. For the tourist use of the identified cultural resources, an interpretive approach is proposed in Spanish and English through scripts, facilities and interpretive means as a key strategy to promote sustainable development, improve tourist experiences and support intercultural communication. Conclusions: The integration of the English language in the articulation of a tourist route allows visitors to understand the cultural and religious wealth of the parishes, ensuring the continuity of traditions and respect for local heritage, in addition to contributing to the improvement of quality of life of local communities, promoting sustainable and responsible tourism development. General study area: tourism and English. Specific area of ​​study: tourist interpretation and English. Type of study: case study, non-exploratory and qualitative-quantitative.

Silvia Patricia Montufar Guevara, Cristina Paola Chamorro Ortega, Catalina Margarita Verdugo Bernal, Boris Alexis Fiallos Zaruma, Mishell Alexandra Paca Llinín


The teaching professional and the training process of the technical baccalaureate in machining and metal constructions

Introduction: The study on technical knowledge addresses the importance of the pedagogical process in technical education in the Fe y Alegría Educational Unit of Guayaquil. Objectives: To investigate the strengthening of pedagogical models such as competencies and collaborative spaces in professional pedagogical processes in the comprehensive training of technical bachelors in machining and metal constructions. Methodology: Different approaches are investigated, such as constructivism and experiential learning, and added information technologies impacting the quality of learning in the specialization of technical baccalaureate in machining and metal constructions. It uses a qualitative methodology through student surveys and interviews with an expert teacher of the specialty in metal constructions, who indicates that the results of the research reveal that the feedback to students varies positively and the valuation of practices that are supported by didactic methods and resources in their application. Results: The positive assessment of students in practical activities and projects, fundamental in the technical training of students, is highlighted. In addition, areas for improvement and updating of the tools are identified, communication between teachers and students offers guidelines to improve the pedagogical process and a more effective and satisfactory training. Conclusions: The research points to the importance of applying a pedagogical approach and more effective communication between teachers and students who face challenges such as technological advances and adapting to the updating of equipment and more collaborative learning environments. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Pedagogy. Type of study: original.

Washington German Contreras Jiménez, Jonathan Israel Pazmiño Quezada, Rosa Elena Ordóñez Vivero, Alejandro Reigosa Lara


Influence of TCI -based methodologies on the academic performance of students

In the contemporary educational environment, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have transformed the way teaching is conceived and practiced. In the field of technical baccalaureate, where the preparation of students for the world of work and technology is crucial, teaching methodologies based on ICT have been positioned as a fundamental resource to enhance learning and improve academic performance. Objective: Determine the level of influence of ICT-based methodologies on high school students in the UE Nueva California. Methodology: Collaborative learning methodology. Results: Improved access and quality of information. Personalization of learning. Influence of ICT-based methodologies on students' academic performance. Conclusions: The proposal for the application of ICT-based methodologies served to constitute an alternative to promote adequate education. The projection design improved student performance constitutes a viable alternative to significantly influence students. In the validation with the different research techniques, it was possible to verify how teachers used technological tools when planning their class instruments. The Nearpod platform provides real-time ease, is convenient for students, creating a positive and significant impact by improving motivation and digital competencies in students. General study area: Pedagogy. Specific area of ​​study: Teaching-learning methodology. Type of study: Original, clinical case, bibliographic review. ICTs have changed all areas of human knowledge; this is how we seek to determine the influence of ICT-based methodologies on the academic performance of technical high school students specializing in Computer Science at the Nueva California Private Educational Unit, located in the city of Guayaquil, province of Guayas.

Maria Aurora Allauca Allauca, Cinthya Verónica España León, Ramon Guzmán Hernández


Obesidad y riesgo cardiovascular: liraglutida y sus beneficios terapéuticos

Introduction: Obesity is a chronic, complex and recurrent disease, considered a risk factor for multiple diseases, including those related to the cardiovascular system; currently these risks have been reduced by the use of liraglutide in the treatment of obese patients, demonstrating a notable decrease in appetite and increase in satiety, therefore, it improves metabolic functions, promotes insulin secretion and decreases gastric emptying; this drug is very well tolerated and highly effective, which justifies its high cost. Objective: To describe the therapeutic benefits in obesity and cardiovascular risk, generating knowledge of the current therapeutic situation of liraglutide. Methodology: A descriptive documentary study was conducted using descriptors to search for relevant literature in databases such as Scopus, Elsevier, and PubMed, both in Spanish and English. The search was conducted through Google Scholar with Boolean operators to refine the results. The bibliographic sources were collected, reviewed, and analyzed, managed with Mendeley, selecting 29 recent and relevant articles on the therapeutic benefits of liraglutide in obesity and cardiovascular risk. Results: Liraglutide is a human GLP-1 analogue with 97% homology, suitable for daily doses in patients with type 2 diabetes. Absorbed slowly, its half-life is approximately 10-14 hours. Its function is to reduce glucose, appetite, and cardiovascular risks. Its metabolism is like native GLP-1, and it is eliminated through the liver and kidneys. Conclusion: Liraglutide as a GLP-1 agonist proved to be effective in reducing body weight and appetite, this was evidenced by studies and meta-analysis, where it was shown to improve metabolic functions in the patient; one of its effects is the general improvement of the glycemic profile, causing a decrease in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as HA, T2D and AMI.

Washington Moises Moreira Mendoza, Luis Enrique Bravo Vaca, Mayker Armando Carbo Bazurto, Eimy Marcela Del Valle Velez, Marjorie Briggitte Mendoza Pin, Jhon Alexander Ponce Alencastro
