Published: 2024-07-05

Technical high school linkage plan with agribusiness to strengthen the professional figure of agricultural production

Introduction: This research paper analyzes the use of educational agro-industrial infrastructure as didactic means for the teaching-learning process in Technical High School and proposes alternatives for linking these productive spaces with the agricultural area. The "Primero de Mayo" High School in the province of Zamora Chinchipe, Yantzaza canton, has been considered a reference for this study. Objective: To develop a plan that allows linking the agro-industrial infrastructure of educational institutions with the Professional Profile in Agricultural Production. Methodology: A non-experimental type of research was used; additionally, surveys were employed as a data collection technique through a mixed questionnaire applied to teachers, students, and institutional directors. Results: Among the results are the indirect link between the dairy and meat processing plants and the Professional Profile in Agricultural Production, as well as the need to link practical activities to a training module. Additionally, it is considered essential to conduct Work-Based Training in the agro-industrial spaces of the institution. Conclusions: Institutional resources, such as dairy and meat processing plants, should be utilized to enhance technical high school and improve students' practical skills. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Technical High School. Type of study: Original articles.

David Gustavo Ayora León, Jean Carlos Sánchez Jinez, Segress García Hevia, Alejandro Raigosa Lara


Didactic strategy based on educational technology to improve mathematics learning in first-year BGU students of the Unidad Educativa Humberto Fierro

Introduction. The use of ICT is a mechanism that allows the development of teaching strategies using educational technologies supported by the theory of instructional design, for which it is necessary to update the content and the ways of teaching the educational content, which must be in accordance with the established curriculum. in the curricular design of the area of ​​mathematics. Education requires the use of appropriate and personalized teaching strategies to achieve quality education. Educational Technology (ET) is a multidisciplinary system that combines ICT and pedagogy to improve the teaching-learning process and this system is used to strengthen experiential learning. Objective. Propose a didactic strategy based on educational technology to improve learning around ​​Mathematics in the first-year students of BGU of the Unidad Educative Humberto Fierro. Methodology. To develop the research, the quantitative approach was used, the type of research is descriptive and documentary, the research design according to time is Non-Experimental Cross-sectional. An analysis of the data was conducted using descriptive statistics techniques to identify patterns, trends, or relationships between the variables of interest. The study population was: 460 students; The sample was 50 first-year BGU students. Results. Most students perceive that technological resources facilitate the resolution of mathematical problems. The need to use virtual environments was supported by 66% with "Most of the time yes" and 34% with "Always". Conclusion. Teaching strategies and the use of educational technology were viewed favorably. suggesting successful adaptation of strategies to individual student needs.

Jacinto Joaquín Obando Guamán, Carlos Iván Villalva Heredia, Ramón Guzmán Hernández
