Published: 2024-04-05

Factual analysis of the causes of impunity in the crimes of smuggling of migrants in the canton of Cañar in 2022

Introduction. This article focuses on the underlying causes of impunity in crimes of smuggling of migrants in the canton of Cañar, Ecuador, during the year 2022. It highlights the importance of strengthening the legal framework and institutional cooperation to safeguard the rights of migrants in this context.  Objective. The main objective of this analysis is to identify and understand the reasons behind impunity in cases of smuggling of migrants in the canton of Cañar. It seeks to propose concrete measures to improve the effectiveness of judicial processes and guarantee adequate protection for the victims involved in these crimes. Methodology. The research was carried out through a multidisciplinary approach that included the analysis of statistical data, interviews with experts in criminal procedural law and oral litigation, as well as the detailed review of relevant judicial cases. Priority was given to obtaining information on the socioeconomic and educational conditions of the victims, as well as on the available compensation mechanisms. Results. A lack of formal mechanisms for the economic compensation of victims was observed, which indicates a significant gap in the protection and reparation of their rights. In addition, deficiencies were identified in the collaboration between the institutions involved in the judicial processes, which hinders the effectiveness of the investigations and the prosecution of those responsible. Conclusion. This article highlights the urgent need to implement comprehensive strategies and specific support programs to effectively combat migrant smuggling in Cañar canton. It emphasizes the importance of strengthening the legal framework and promoting collaboration among relevant institutions to ensure justice and adequate protection for victims. In addition, it is recommended to establish fair compensation systems to address the needs of victims in a comprehensive manner. General area of study: Law. Specific area of study: Criminal Procedure Law and Oral Litigation. Type of study: Case analysis.

Kevin René Peralta Siguencia, Eugenio Enrique Pozo Cabrera


Sustainable energy solutions: a study on strategies for the use of gas associated with oil extraction in Ecuadorian industry

Introduction: For years in the Ecuadorian oil & gas industry, hydrocarbon production generates associated gas, which is currently mostly flared, although there are environmental regulations that require emission control for compliance with good air quality. The global initiative "Zero Regular Gas Flaring by 2030", of which Ecuador is part, promotes the shift towards the use of gas instead of flaring. This article proposes strategies such as electric power generation, gas-to-liquid conversion and gas re-injection to improve sustainability and resource efficiency, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 13. Objetivo: Proponer tres estrategias para el aprovechamiento del gas asociado, utilizando datos de la Agencia de Regulación y Control de Energía y Recursos Naturales no Renovables de Ecuador y EP Petroecuador se asume un gas dulce, con las estrategias propuestas que son; generación de electricidad; proceso de síntesis de gas a gasolina STG+ y reinyección de gas en recuperación secundaria. Methodology: The present is a qualitative and comparative study of three strategic options for the use of associated gas in the Ecuadorian oil & gas industry. The fundamentals and operation of each strategy are detailed and explained from a theoretical point of view. The presence of sweet associated gas has been assumed, the all used for this study were obtained from official reports of the agency of regulation and control of energy and non-renewable natural resources of Ecuador, as well as other reliable sources of information. Results: Making use of the associated gas through gas turbine power generation could save $1801.8/day or $1831.8/month in electricity consumption cost. Gas-to-gasoline STG+ synthesis could cost $167-440 million with an estimated TRC of 3 to 6 years. As for gas reinjection in secondary recovery, it would increase crude oil recovery up to 20% and reduce environmental impact. Conclusions: It is concluded that the strategies proposed are sustainable, economically variable aim to improve energy and environmental efficiency. The generation of electricity with associated gas reduces the energy cost and decreases the emissions of combustion gases from the plants. Gas-to-gasoline synthesis STG+ is cost-effective and sustainable and helps reduce the carbon footprint. Finally, gas reinjection in secondary recovery helps crude extraction and adapts to the characteristics of the reservoir, in addition, it mitigates environmental risks.

Sandra Elizabeth Trávez Osorio, Carlos Jeanpier Yagos Arias, Jefferson Steeven Endara Laguaquiza, Juan Carlos Tapia Molina


Prototyping design for energy bars enriched with Andean cereals

Introduction: In the following research, the prototyping design of energy bars enriched with Andean cereals was carried out, with the aim of carrying out a market study to identify the energy bars with the highest segment acceptance, and standardize products and processes used in the design of energy bars. Objectives: To design the prototype of energy bars enriched with Andean cereals. Methodology: the population and the sample were established in the province of Cotopaxi, the delimitation of the research identified information throughout its territory taking as a reference the number of people stratified within the economically active population, for which a sample of 383 people was obtained. Results:  the frequency of consumption was determined and the data show that 51% of the population does it rarely, on the knowledge of the product it was determined that 56% have heard of the product, 68% of the respondents consume Andean cereals, 31% are very interested in the consumption of the product, within the size preference 55% of the respondents opt for an individual portion of 50 gr.; the preferential price It is in the range of $1.50 - $1.75. Conclusions: According to the data obtained, recipes and processes have been standardized through taste tests, and caloric calculations have been made of the energy bars of quinoa, amaranth, barley, oats. General area of study: Gastronomy. Specific area of study: Food Marketing.

Andrea Estefanía Fierro Ricaurte, Diego Armando Suárez Cruz, José Luis Navas Vásconez, Viviana Melissa Cuadra Jama


Critical legal analysis of the criminalistics procedure in collecting evidence: crime of robbery resulting in death

Introduction: Criminalistics is an auxiliary science of criminal law, which has been given different names and several concepts according to the schools that have been dedicated to its study, under this precept it can be said that criminalistics is an auxiliary science of criminal law that is responsible for the recognition, specification and evaluation of the evidence collected at the scene of the facts. Objectives: In this research, a critical legal analysis was carried out on the errors of the judicial assistants in the crime of robbery with death at the time of collecting the evidence at the scene of the event in Ecuador. Methodology: the research presents a qualitative approach, an exhaustive bibliographic review was carried out, as well as analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and dogmatic methods, in addition to bibliographic review techniques. Results: after the critical analysis, it was justified that, although it is true that criminalistics personnel are the auxiliaries of justice and through their work they help to discover the path to the truth of the events that occurred, however, in reality they make many errors that take their toll within a judicial process, even reaching the annulment of a test that can become of vital importance for the realization of the investigation. justice. Conclusions:  It is necessary for criminalistics personnel to have their knowledge updated, with new techniques to carry out the collection of evidence at the scene of the facts, to adequately carry out the chain of custody procedures, starting with the collection of evidence, packaging, transport and analysis. General Area of Study: Law. Specific area of study: Procedural Law.

Ciro Bernardo Mendoza Mendoza, Julio César Inga Yanza


Status of environmental life cycle assessment in manual metal arc welding (MMAW) processes

Introduction: welding is currently one of the most important manufacturing processes in the manufacturing sector, as it joins two or more parts by heating or by casting processes, applying pressure or not. The purpose of manufacturing by welding processes is to join materials to meet requirements or service needs without involving excessive costs, negative environmental implications, or adverse effects on workers. This is why the life cycle assessment (ACV) is a methodology applied at the engineering level to evaluate the different environmental impacts of welding technologies. This methodology has been applied in manual metal arc welding processes (MMAW), where the excessive consumption of resources such as electrodes and energy needed to melt the consumables contribute to the generation of negative environmental impacts, being potential processes of global warming, photochemical ozone creation and eutrophication. To investigate the progress in the state of the art of environmental life cycle Objective: assessments in MMAW welding processes. Results: the results of the environmental life cycle analysis indicate that, for a weld bead of 1 meter in length using the MMAW process, a greater amount of resources are consumed, such as filler materials and electrode coatings, in addition to a greater consumption of electrical energy by the welding machine, which contributes to environmental impacts comparatively greater than those generated in other welding processes. Conclusions: it was concluded that low welding speed and high deposition rate lead to high welding times in MMAW processes, consequently, low productivity and excess resources generate a greater impact to the environment.

Luis Stalin López Telenchana, Edison Alejandro Estrella Vargas, Cristhian Leodan Fajardo Maigua, Luis Ángel Sáenz Hidalgo


Advances in models in silico for the fast discovery of pharmaceuticals: transforming pharmaceuticals

Introduction. The Discovery and development of new drugs face significant challenges due to prohibitive costs, long development periods, and low success rates. Computational pharmacology, taking advantage of in silico models, emerges as a promising solution, accelerating and economizing this process through the prediction of drug-target interactions and optimization of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. Objective. Explore the fundamental role that in silico models play in the revolution in the Discovery and development of new drugs. Methodology. The research followed a methodological process based on a qualitative approach, on the analytical-synthetic scientific method, through observation techniques and according to its documentary data source, which made it possible to observe the role played by un silico models in relation to drugs. Results. This article reviews the current state of computational pharmacology, highlighting in silico modeling techniques and tools in the identification of compounds with pharmacological potential. Case studies are examined where the application of in silico models has resulted in the successful discovery of new drugs, emphasizing their effectiveness in the drug discovery process. Current challenges and limitations of computational pharmacology are discussed, along with proposed strategies to overcome these obstacles. Furthermore, future directions and technological advances are projected, considering the disruptive role of artificial intelligence and quantum computing in the transformation of the drug Discovery paradigm. Conclusion. This review highlights the importance of continuing to develop and apply in silico models to facilitate new drug Discovery, promising an era of faster and more personalized pharmacological innovation.

Kimberly Zamira León Fiallos, Bryan Omar Zurita Sánchez


Curricular adaptations in the inclusion of children with down syndrome in the physical education class

Introduction: Offering timely pedagogical and didactic responses that contribute to the inclusion process in the Physical Education class continues to constitute a topic of special interest; In accordance with what has been indicated and considering the situation manifested in the “Cardenal Bernardino Echeverría Ruíz” Educational Unit of Guayaquil, due to shortcomings in motor performance and in the process of inclusion in the Physical Education class of students who have Down Syndrome, the research carried out had the objective of: Designing a system of curricular adaptations to improve motor performance and the inclusion process in the Physical Education class of students with Down Syndrome. Methodology. Research was followed with a mixed approach, of a quasi-experimental type, focused on a case study and supported using theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as observation and interviews. The sample was selected according to inclusion criteria, establishing itself in the lower secondary school of the reference Educational Unit. Results. It is possible to provide a system of possible curricular adaptations to be developed in the Physical Education class for students with Down Syndrome. The importance of offering pedagogical and didactic responses supported by the various levels of help and adaptations of resources, tasks, methodologies, and forms of evaluation to facilitate the process of inclusion of students with Down Syndrome in the Physical Education class is confirmed. Conclusions. It is concluded that the application for 5 weeks of the curricular adaptations in the Playful Practices curricular block: games and playing, contributed to the improvement of the inclusion process, with emphasis on the student who has Down Syndrome, evidencing the improvement of their motor skills, functionality and the inclusion process within the class.

Francisco Xavier Goya Veira, Eva Verónica Ordeñana Morales, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo
