Published: 2022-07-05

Evaluation of PWHT in ASTM A743 steel by analyzing microhardness and metallography data

Introduction: ASTM A743 grade CA-6NM stainless steel is used material in the construction of hydraulic turbines due to its excellent mechanical properties, for this reason, its cost is quite high, that is why it is important to resort to repair procedures such as welding to maximize its useful life. Objective: To evaluate the influence of post-weld heat treatment through the analysis of microhardness values ​​obtained in a weld bead, using E410NiMo-15 welding rod as filler material. Methodology: The methodology applied was of an experimental type, the Vickers microhardness test was developed, and the indentations made were every 500µm in the molten zone and every 200µm in the thermally affected zone both in the horizontal and vertical directions with respect to the welding axis. Results: The effect of the thermal treatment was evidenced in the reduction of the hardness with an approximate of 12.68% in the root of the cord and similar values ​​in the other zones of the weld pit, considering the measurements obtained from the test, the width of the thermally affected zone is approximately 2.5mm, while the microstructural analysis shows a reduction in the grain sizes of the tempered martensite in all the zones after the PWHT, with a decrease in the size of the needles of the martensitic matrix. . Conclusion: The effect of post-welding heat treatment was evidenced by analyzing the microstructural changes that occurred, added to this, a homogenization of hardness was obtained in all areas of the weld, however, it is concluded that by subjecting the material to a process of repair by welding its mechanical properties are reduced, shortening its useful life.

Juan Carlos Quinchuela Paucar, Raúl Gregorio Martínez Pérez, Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez, Cristhian Fabián Cañizares Silva


Feed supplements in pig farming as alternative to antibiotics

Introduction. For a long time, antibiotics were the main tool to improve pig growth, but several feed supplements are currently under study to replace them and avoid the impact on public health derived from their use. Aim.The aim of the present review was to synthetize a descriptive list of the main feeding supplements used in swine feeding to reduce the use of antibiotics in pork production. Methodology. Searching and reviewing of documents was based on a macro collection of scientific information available; for writing, the key concepts were outlined and little relevant or imprecise data were excluded. Results. Among these alternatives are phytobiotics, which are chemical compounds derived from plants such as thyme, oregano and garlic. Another group are probiotics, live microorganisms which are administered in adequate doses to provide a benefit to the host by regulating the microbiota and intestinal immunity; they mainly comprise bacteria and yeasts that synergize with other types of feed supplements, prebiotic, which are substrates that provide energy for probiotics. Some organic acids and mineral compounds also stand out. Conclusions. By various mechanisms of action, all these supplements could have a similar usefulness to antibiotics, by decreasing the colonization of pathogens that reduce development and increase the utilization of feed, improving aspects such as reproduction and general health. The implementation of the described supplements is relevant, considering the role of animal production in the generation of antibiotic resistance, framed in the One Health concept.

David Ayala, Juan Peralvo Vidal, Kevin Madril, Ana Burgos Mayorga


Variable analysis of quality, economic of taxi operators and the impact of informal service, city of Riobamba

Introduction: The land transport sector, case of our study taxi operators in the city have recently decreased their income due to the increase in informality that provide this type of cheaper transport without quality and safety parameters one of the factors in the economy of the Target country. Analyze the variables of quality, economic of taxi operators and the impact of informal service, city of Riobamba Methodology. A quasi-experimental design was applied in which the participation of the Bolívar Chiriboga taxi cooperative of the city of Riobamba was taken, an interview was applied to some of its drivers, as well as a survey was applied to thirty-seven users using the corresponding research tools. Results. According to the survey of users determined that the preference of users is in the quality of Service and price, service on time and good conditions of the vehicle. Conclusions. If we analyze quality and price according to the surveys, the preference is in the price for the economic aspect of the country and the responsiveness when requesting careers, informal operators in the city offer services at low costs in relation to formal ones, as there are users who little or nothing consider their safety but if the economic factor responds to the reduction of the income of the formal ones who do not have a strategy.  created to combat this problem.

Miriam del Rocio Salas Salazar, María Fernanda Herrera Chico, José Luis LLamuca


Environmental management systems for the optimization of dairy industries

The article aims to present the characteristics, implementation procedure, impact, and environmental benefits of environmental management systems (EMS) through Cleaner Production (CP) and 5S of quality, for the optimization of dairy industries, due to the pollution generated by its production processes. For this, aspects of the dairy industry were described, to later present the SGA through CP and 5S. The implementation of an EMS through the CP strategy or the 5S methodology; will be validated at the moment of complying with parameters that are within permissible limits, among some of these parameters to be considered are: effluent discharges to the public sewage system with maximum permissible limits in oils and fats of 100 (mg/L), BOD5 with 250 (mg/L), BOD with 500 (mg/L), settleable solids with 20 (mg/L) and total suspended solids with 220 (mg/L); while the consumption of water for each kilogram of milk will have a value of 2,21 (L/kg); with respect to the consumption of electrical energy 0,34 GJ of energy consumed for each tonne of milk may be taken as a reference. Establishing the environmental impact of the EMS through CP and 5S, it is concluded that both systems focus on optimizing production through minimize, reduce, recycle and avoiding extractivism, of resources such as water, energy and raw materials, in the production chain as well as in the environment, therefore, the selection of either of the two systems for its implementation, depend mainly on the experience of the responsible leader, the knowledge of the general manager and the approval of senior management.

María Soledad Núñez Moreno


Motivation in the context of the teaching-learning process in technical high school in Ecuador post COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many young people left their formal studies to work and help their families, many want to return and finish their studies, for them the technical baccalaureate is presented as an option, although some do not want to return and find the old ways of teaching, for this the teachers need a new vision with a lot of motivation, which helps them in the teaching-learning process, to produce in the students the conscious and desired execution of the activities. This article assesses motivation in the context of the teaching-learning process in the Technical Baccalaureate of the Baños Educational Unit in the Province of Tungurahua-Ecuador, identifying the essential elements of motivation and reflecting on the factors that affect the student. As well as those elements that must be considered when facing the teaching activity. The concern of directors and teachers in the curricular design that offers alternatives of action to teachers is addressed, where motivation towards the profession chosen as a social order is included, asserting that future technical professionals must be well motivated when choosing these careers. It is necessary for teachers to develop a strong professional motivation during the teaching-learning process, maintaining a positive emotional attitude with a deep and well-oriented knowledge towards students. To boost academic performance, elements such as motivation, study methods that use new technological trends, and good teacher training must be used.

Jeanette del Rocío Sandoval Ruilova


Analysis of the level of achievement of the bachelor's degree exam as a function of sociodemographic variables

Introduction. The present work describes the multinomial logistic regression model with application to real data, using the database of the Ser bachiller exam - Ecuador of the 2018-2019 school year, modeling the level of achievement reached in the grade exam grade, based on the sociodemographic variables age, sex, province, type of financing of the educational institution and ethnic self-identification. Goal. Describe the use and usefulness of nominal response models and ordinal response models, obtaining their best predictors and establishing their differences in data modeling. Methodology. For the calculation, the free software R was used with data taken from the National Institute of Educational Evaluation, adjusting the nominal and ordinal response model, in addition, applying the stepwise method, the best predictors for the study were found. Results. The results indicate a positive and significant correlation between the control environment and the ROE and ROA indicators. Conclusions. It was possible to conclude through the application of the stepwise method that the independent variables used in the study are the appropriate ones, since through the automatic selection in both the nominal and ordinal response models they give the same variables as predictors.

Tania Paulina Morocho Barrionuevo, Carmen Estrella Morocho Barrionuevo, Diana Katherine Campoverde Santos


Analysis of the incidence of a radioactive source in a bipolar scalpel for resection of carcinomas in ex vivo tissue

Introduction. Presenting the pathology of carcinomas in any type of tissue is inevitable, according to the World Cancer Report it was confirmed that there is inequality in cancer control and care throughout the world. Objective. The aim of this work was to analyze the incidence of a radioactive source in a bipolar scalpel for resection of carcinomas in ex vivo tissue using the COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS simulator (version 5.4 free). Methodology. The procedure was to heat the bipolar scalpel with a potential differential obtained from the radioactive source to the two electrodes, considering that it will work with Strontium 90 for voltage estimation, a Geiger tube was used to fulfil the function of sending an electric current to the anode of the tube, reflected as low voltage pulses, being amplified by a voltage converter to receive an input voltage and provide an increased output voltage, through this system values of 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70 Volts were obtained. Finally, a simulation was performed for each voltage by a thermoelectric process to release thermal energy using the finite element method. Results. The results showed that the heat distribution generated for each case did not show a coagulation zone between each electrode, since the scalpel had a monopolar behavior creating a coagulation zone at the ends of each electrode that grows to the middle of each one, having a maximum symmetry of 0.9 mm and 1.9 mm in lateral diameter and depth at 60 V, causing clots due to the exposed temperature and avoiding the visibility of superficial carcinomas in the ex vivo tissue. Conclusion. It was therefore concluded that this procedure is not feasible to create a symmetrical coagulation zone between the tips of each electrode and increases irreversible thermal damage to healthy tissue.

Joselin Elizabeth Guananga Gavilanez, Jorge Luis Yaulema Castañeda, Paulina Fernanda Bolaños Logroño


Heuristic thinking and its influence on sustaining the business of the city of Manta 2019-2021

Introduction: The environment that surrounds people is changing, unpredictable and uncertain, so in the use of the neo cerebral cortex, heuristics gain prominence in decision making, which in the business field is important to know the influence of the same in the support seeking successful sales in the commercial sector. This is related to local economies and the circulation of capital, the growth of wealth for the benefit of people. Objectives: To determine if the owners use heuristics to procure sales and observe what they do to enhance the chances of success for the commercialization of the products. Methodology: The study was conducted in a quantitative exploratory manner of a transactional nature through a survey designed with constructs to obtain the data. Results: It was determined that 81.31% of the population chosen in the Cuba neighborhood of the city of Manta uses heuristics as a fundamental tool in decision-making and in application of the heuristic principles of representativeness, availability, adjustment, and anchoring given that 76.77% of the owners improve the situation by having formal education. Conclusions: The owners do use heuristics, consciously or not, in an effort to sustain the operation of their businesses. At the same time, it was possible to observe that the behaviors obtained are of a fractal nature, which leads to continue exploring new polygons and that better strategies are determined to promote local economies based on trade, useful information for educational institutions, local governments, and private entrepreneurs.

John Mayo Moreno Faubla, Cristina Azucena Mendoza Vera


Comparative study of the practical teaching-learning process of network service protocols in pandemic and post-pandemic

Introduction: This article presents the teaching process through virtual machines of the network service protocols located in the application layer of the TCP/IP model, through the use of the client-server model, so that students can carry out their practices without the need for physical machines and they can develop it from their homes or in person at the computer labs of the Software Career at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Objectives: Therefore, it seeks to compare the performance of students in the teaching-learning process when it is done virtually and in person. Methodology: A mixed methodology was used for the study because data obtained from two samples of software major students were collected and analyzed in the academic periods October 2021 - March 2022, which was conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 19 and the period April - August 2022 that was conducted in person, to determine the impact, advantages, and disadvantages of the different study modalities in the development of laboratory practices of subjects related to computing such as networks. Results: After analyzing the qualitative and quantitative data, it was determined that the face-to-face modality in the development of laboratory practices allows students to achieve better performance, and in what corresponds to the time of development of the practices it is similar both in virtual and face-to-face modality. Conclusions: Therefore, with the present study the two study modalities are compared and the advantages of each of the modalities are presented so that they can be considered as good practices.

Patricio Xavier Moreno Vallejo, Gisel Katerine Bastidas Guacho, Patricio René Moreno Costales, Jorge Alfredo Caiza Balseca


R as a data analysis and visualization tool using Business Intelligence and PowerBI

Introduction. The use of R today in the academic, statistical and research fields is a tool with good potential. It is important, it can be applied in basic and applied science since it allows complex statistical calculations to be automated to conduct the corresponding data analysis. Objective. Make a dashboard using Excel and PowerBI with R applying Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehouse (DW) in reporting for quality decision making. Methodology. This research is descriptive, it uses the Methodology for the Construction of an Algorithm for Systemic Learning of ICT students in the first semester (Mejía et al, 2018), adapted to the use of a dashboard, which provides tools that allow planning and implementing a dashboard, to make scripts within the scope of work of R. Within this methodology additional steps are inserted to be able to solve through BI and DW. Tests were conducted with fourth-semester Statistics students to determine problem solving before and after using a type of software. Results. Students using BI and DW only 28.57% reach a perfect conclusion using Excel, while students using BI reach a perfect 85.71% using PowerBI, to complete the exercises. Conclusion. It is concluded that under the parameters of use of Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse for the presentation of reports in decision making, the percentages favor these techniques provided by the researcher, this result in statistical terms is very favorable, since these techniques are based on in improving the quality of presentation of a report for the web and for the manager or president of an institution within the well-being of the company. Students with these techniques will be able to perform better in the professional field.

Edwin Fernando Mejía Peñafiel


Improvement of the storage system of a backup server through the evaluation of the Opendedup duplication systems (SDFS) and ZFS

Introduction. Introduction. A backup server has a program dedicated to the recovery and organization of information to secure it, trying to prevent the loss of information for both internal and external reasons. Objective. Improve the storage system of a Backup server by evaluating Opendedup duplication systems (SDFS) and ZFS. Methodology. For the development, a test case was elaborated to evaluate the proposed systems. When implementing standalone license tools like Virtualbox, Bacula, etc., the installation of deduplication solutions is done under a virtual Linux Mint 19.1 distribution with Virtualbox, installed on a single physical machine, and also a Bacula server on which the deduplication is done. Backups. it will be created and stored in our own environment with SDFS and ZFS mirroring. Results. The SDFS system had 50% compliance in the initial comparison against 81% for ZFS, in addition SDFS obtained 4 points of use in the comparison after operation, while ZFS only had 12 points of use, finally SDFS increased 2 points in comparison of functionalities surpassed by the 5 points of ZFS. Conclusion. ZFS offers better performance in terms of storage optimization on the backup server, despite the difficulties encountered during installation, the deduplication method is superior to that offered by SDSF based on cache capacity. We recommend creating backups in incremental file format because with this type of data the percentage of duplicate exceptions is more pronounced, relative to the underlying data.

Marco Vinicio Ramos Valencia, Natalia Patricia Layedra Larrea, Miguel Ángel Duque Vaca, Oscar Danilo Gavilánez Álvarez


Consumer perception and its influence on the use of digital means of payment

In the Canton Morona, Province of Morona Santiago, Ecuador, it can be observed that, despite the growing technological advances implemented in different sectors of the country, traditional marketing systems continue to be developed for the most part, where technology is still it is not potentiated, observing a poor growth in the use of digital means of payment, evidencing even further, the implementation of electronic commerce. Goal. The present study allowed to determine the perception of the consumer and its influence on the use of digital means of payment. Methodology. The research is Quantitative, correlational, explanatory, non-probabilistic, documentary review and field techniques, in the latter the survey is used as a data collection mechanism for the achievement of the stated objectives, the processing of the information is developed through the statistical software SPSS. Results. The results obtained determine the correlation between the perception of the consumer measured from the variables intention to use, value, usefulness and perceived credibility and the most commonly used digital payments in Ecuador. Conclusion. It concludes with information that will allow local businessmen to determine the importance of updating their collection processes, seeking to provide several payment alternatives to their customers.

Sara Nathaly Ayala Pasquel, Juan Carlos Ortega Castro, Eduardo Guillermo Pinos Velez


Tics in the management of administrative processes in media education establishments

Introduction. The Tics increase has required changes and innovations in processes for achieving institutional goals and objectives. Internet use has allowed companies and organizations to take possession and gain competitive levels. The administrative staff must assume a committed role in the service and pay attention to the client. The lack of professionals with unique profiles and abilities is limited in particular by the lack of knowledge and skills in Tics, thus affecting the fulfilment of their work. Similar studies indicate that information and communication technologies directly related to administrative management. Objectives. To determine the incidence of Tics, use in the direction of the administrative processes of the personnel who work in the secondary education establishments in Morona, Morona Santiago province Methodology. The research was of a quasi-experimental exploratory type with bibliographic-documentary methods. Using different theoretical sources allows the collection of data from the documents and the field, which helped to collect the statistical data using a survey with Likert scale questions in groups of five according to the study's variables. Based on the universe, 52 people were considered in the research, giving a 95% confidence level of 95% and a 5% significance level. The SPSS statistical software was used to interpret the data and determine the Pearson correlation coefficients to analyze the data and determine Pearson's correlation coefficients. Results. According to Pearson's correlation coefficient, the statistical analysis found that Tics and administrative processes are significantly correlated at 0.781. Conclusion. The study hypothesis that Tics affect administrative processes in secondary education establishments is accepted.

Rodolfo Moisés Espinosa Tigre, Patricio Fernando Cevallos Jiménez


Strategies for the development of management skills in the Havanatur Celimar travel agency

The changes and dynamics that characterize the current context require companies to have highly qualified human resources in their specialty. In Cuba, an in-depth study is necessary in the entities, and especially those belonging to the tourism sector, related to the training of Cuban executives and the development of their skills. Such is the case of the Havanatur Celimar agency, in which it was found that its executives and their reserves show signs of not paying them the due attention that the development of managerial skills requires. The objective of this presentation is to propose strategies for the development of managerial skills in the staff of the Havanatur Celimar travel agency. For this, a procedure of their own elaboration was used based on different methodologies consulted on the subject and a series of methods, techniques and tools that allowed the realization of a comprehensive analysis of the main determining elements of the development and improvement of management skills. As main results, the main existing gaps in the development of managerial skills in the agency under study are identified, and a series of strategies were proposed, in order to achieve greater training of the entity's managers. This will allow to contribute to the consolidation of an adequate organizational culture among the workers of the agency, which will have a positive impact on management and final results.

Frandiel Alonso Remedios, Inara Esther Márquez Hernández, Thalía Rodríguez Deler, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


External communication strategy for the reactivation of tourism post COVID - 19 at the Hotel Deauville

Tourism companies in recent years have been evolving according to socioeconomic changes and the process of technological globalization. This reality has been seriously affected by the impact of the COVID19 pandemic. Cuba does not escape the pandemic crisis; however, the intention of the Cuban Ministry of Tourism is to achieve a restart of activities in the tourism sector. Therefore, the general objective of the research: Propose an external communication strategy, for the reactivation of post-COVID - 19 tourism at the Hotel Deauville; from the projection of communicative messages towards the public in a coherent, positive and safe way according to the image that is desired to achieve in the market positioning. To fulfill this objective, the research is based on the determination of the theoretical-methodological references that enable the design of an external communication strategy for the reactivation of tourism, the identification of the main elements of external communication that favor the reactivation of post-COVID-19 tourism at the Hotel Deauville and the design of an external communication strategy that encourages the reactivation of post-COVID - 19 tourism in said hotel.

Adinolf Miguel Fernando, Yulima Valdés Bencomo, Dayana Pulido de la Paz, Luis Efraín Velastegui López
