Published: 2022-06-05

Design of an industrial process to obtain ecological paper from cattle manure in the Dureno parish of the Lago Agrio canton

Introduction. Faced with the existing problems of contamination and the lack of an adequate provision for the management of cattle manure in the sector, it is intended to conduct an adequate management of waste by proposing a technological, innovative, and ecological alternative using manure as a source of fiber. for paper making. Goal. Design an industrial process to obtain ecological paper using cattle manure as raw material in the Dureno parish of the Lago Agrio canton. Methodology. The project is of a technical nature in which inductive, deductive, and experimental research methods were used, based on bibliographical research, and acquired knowledge to arrive at a correct design of the plant and obtain paper at the laboratory level. The paper manufacturing process begins with sterilization and the concentrations of sodium hydroxide varied between 10, 15 and 20% in relation to the input flow of 0.258kg of manure at 150°C with a variation of exposure time of 3h, 4h, and 5h; The extracted pulp was bleached with 10% sodium hypochlorite in a 2:1 ratio with respect to the volume of water used at a temperature of 65°C for 45 minutes. Once the sheet of paper was formed, it was pressed to remove excess water at 441kPa in two sections, the first for 5 minutes and the second for 2 minutes and left to dry for 72 hours at room temperature in the absence of light, Results. When applying the method of pulping with caustic soda at 10%, a yield of 69.82% was obtained, with a flexibility coefficient of 0.67 μm and a Runkel factor of 0.48 μm. The preparation of the paper sheets was conducted according to the procedure of the Tappi T205 standard. sp-02. The sheets have the characteristics of thickness 0.11mm, width 15.00mm, breaking length 180mm, maximum load 89.27mm, breaking strength 5.95kN/m, elongation at break 3.32%. Conclusions. The bromatological and microbiological analyzes determined that the raw material contains a good source of cellulose and the bacterial load is zero, obtaining an innocuous product, with excellent paper characteristics to adhere from fiber to fiber due to the wide contact surface that it possesses, in addition, compliance with the parameters established by the NTE INEN standard for paper and cardboard, which validated the process.

Marco Raúl Chuiza Rojas, Marlene Jacqueline García Veloz, Edmundo Rodrigo Caluña Sánchez, Lady Daniela Mora Roles


Educational mobile application to strengthen the teaching-learning process of the English subject in times of pandemic

Introduction. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational sector have significantly enhanced the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how ICTs are affecting learning opportunities. Objective. Design and implement an educational mobile application to strengthen the teaching-learning process of the English subject with students in times of pandemic, through the implementation of the STUDENGLISH educational mobile application. Methodology. The methodology used was field-descriptive. To obtain the data, the survey technique was used and the structured questionnaire with twelve polytomous questions addressed to the students was used as an instrument. The study population was 136 students of the eighth year of Basic General Education of the Educational Unit of the Millennium “Ángel Polibio Chaves”. Results. The analyzed results showed that there was a learning deficit in the students of the English subject, due to the lack of implementation of technological resources in times of pandemic. Conclusion. The STUDENGLISH educational mobile application designed in the App Inventor 2 online program, presents encouraging results, contributing significantly to the teaching-learning process of the English subject.

Geraldine Yelena Bosquez Vera, Juan Carlos Muyulema Allaica , Jonathan Ernesto Pacheco Yépez, Roberto Benardo Usca Veloz


Los foros de la Plataforma Moodle en el mejoramiento de la escritura del Idioma Inglés

Introduction: Learning English is one of the most important goals that students must follow due to it is the key to a successful future in all fields of humanity. Objective: This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of using the Moodle platform forums in the English language writing skills improvement. In achieving this goal, the researchers worked with a total population of eighty-four students who belonged to second level. Methodology: They developed a quasi-experimental research design with two groups of students: the control and experimental group. To collect data, they used the KET A2 for school’s exam, specifically the writing questions. Furthermore, they used a rubric from Cambridge assessment to transform qualitative into numerical data to be condensed and analyzed. After gathering data from the pre-test, the researchers designed a classroom intervention which lasted 10 weeks. The intervention consisted in planning a set of practical activities for the experimental group which ended with a question to be answered in the Moodle platform, commented by the students, and provided feedback by the researcher, while the students in the control group continued with their traditional classes. Results:  After the intervention, the students from two groups took the post-test. Finally, with 95% of reliability, significant difference was found in the results of the experimental group. Conclusion:  Therefore, the effectiveness of the Moodle platform forums to improve the students’ writing skills was determined.

Noemi Mercedes Remache Carrillo, Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema, Daysi Valeria Fierro López, Diana Carolina Campaña Días


Post-traumatic stress, cabin syndrome, Covid 19 and positive psychology: A Case study

Introduction. In the COVID-19 pandemic, people have experienced confinement after having lived through quarantine for a long time and teleworking reflects the urgent need to leave the home and return to reality but the fear of contagion can more, one of the consequences is post-traumatic stress. Objective. The investigation is to determine the levels of presence of the Cabin Syndrome in the workers of the Provincial Gad of Zamora, Methodology. It was carried out through a cross-sectional study applied to 373 employees on the payroll, a determined sample was established with the surveymonkey sample calculator with a value of 189 workers. Sociodemographic variables of the workers were evaluated. The Cabin Syndrome test was applied to measure the levels of the workers due to confinement and Covid 19.  Results. The results of the study show the presence of 64% of the syndrome with fear of leaving home again and returning to a new reality. Conclusion From what was detected, it is concluded that one of the psychological effects is post-traumatic stress due to having lost a friend, family member, acquaintance, needs psychological first aid to be listened to or referred to a specialist. To reduce the average level found, it is recommended to gradually leave the house as a progressive routine to break this fear of contagion of the virus.

Graciela Chagñay Lema, Manolo Alexander Córdova Suárez


Evaluation of the consumption and emissions of a vehicle implemented with a MARCLAIS valve at 2754 masl

Introduction: according to the literature, the Ecological Valve Marclais is an automotive device used to reduce pollutant emissions and fuel consumption because of height above sea level. Objectives: to corroborate this information, the device was installed in a gasoline-powered electronic injection vehicle and tests of pollutant emissions and fuel consumption were conducted. Methodology: the emissions tests were conducted according to the NTE INE 2 203:2000 standard, at different engine speeds, idle, 2000rpm and 4000rpm, and a KEIN 4-2 gas analyzer. Fuel consumption was conducted through dynamic tests according to SAE J 1321:2012 standard, on a route of 12.3 km at an average speed of 50km/h, with extra fuel in the city of Riobamba at 2750msnm. Results: when analyzing the data obtained from pollutant emissions, a 20% decrease in Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbons (HC) was evidenced by 24%, these two gases being the most polluting and those that are sought to reduce to the maximum, Oxygen (O2 ) and Carbon Dioxide did not present notable variations, likewise, in fuel consumption a significant saving of 23.56% was obtained.  Conclusions: The Marclavalve contributes to reducing emissions and consumption from 1800 meters above sea level.

Victor David Bravo Morocho Bravo Morocho, Paul Alejandro Montufar Paz, Carlos Andrés Condo Ulloa, Marco Vinicio Manzano Valencia


Technical management of safety and health in the fuel service station "Los Álamos", Riobamba city

Introduction: Safety and health at work has gained importance over time, being the center of the study the man and the work. All companies must ensure that employees do not have accidents at work or contract an illness and that they conduct designated activities safely; Regardless of the activity to which the institution is dedicated, it should guarantee occupational health and safety to all employees. Objective: To implement the technical management of safety and health at work aimed at reducing the occupational risks identified in the PDV “Los Álamos” Fuel Service Station. Methodology: The applied method was deductive because the analysis was reached through the application of checklists, questionnaires, and other research instruments that allowed identifying that the level of technical management of safety and health in the activities conducted in the institution. Results: The main risk factors are physical, chemical, ergonomic, and psychosocial risk; To evaluate and determine the level of occupational risk, the NTP 330 methodology was used, through which the level of deficiency, level of exposure, level of probability, level of consequences and level of intervention were measured. Conclusion: It was concluded that the risk factors evaluated, 76.92% correspond to category II; according to the NTP 330 methodology, which must be corrected and controlled; same that belong to the operational area; 23.08% corresponds to category III risk factors, which must be improved with a justified investment. This type of risk occurs in the administrative area. Of the corrective and preventive measures that were exposed, 9.52% correspond to actions to mitigate the risk in the administrative department, while 90.47% must be applied to the operating department.

Raúl Gregorio Martínez Pérez, Juan Carlos Cayán Martínez, Eugenia Mercedes Naranjo Vargas , Danny Raúl Prado Orozco


Contributions of English as a language of international communication in the educational and economic field of the Andean Region

Introduction. International communication requires all those interactions between states, companies, institutions, and people, on the other hand, globalization has integrated the media, especially the Internet. Learning a new language is a fundamental requirement to work as an international communicator. Therefore, working in international settings, or in a place where people have a different vision and culture, implies knowledge and respect for others. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the use of English as a language of international communication. This problem is especially important because globalization is impossible without the presence of a language in which all people on the planet can communicate. Objective. Reviewing English are its linguistic characteristics, revealing the economic and educational context in the countries that make up Latin America as an international language. Methodology. The field of science and higher education constitutes a strategic space where the problems of the globalization of English as the only hyper-central language are clearly reflected: From a restricted multilingual model of a few languages, German, French and English that expressed the scientific field a century ago, we have moved towards an almost absolute predominance of English. Results. From a Latin American perspective, three compelling reasons stand out that should drive us to use various foreign languages. This text will analyze the biased nature of studies on the distribution of languages ​​in indexed publications when they are taken as representative of the scientific field. Conclusions: One of the characteristics of modern English is its variability. Well, this does not have a single standard, and those who are going to learn this language must decide for themselves which of its variants they will learn: British, American, Australian, Canadian, etc. An alternative to achieve a complete proficiency in the English language is to conceive the space of sciences and higher education, structured as a sociological and communicational field that integrates the spheres of production, circulation, and training. English has official or semi-official language status in sixty-two countries around the world and is considered the language of international communication by 97% of the world's population.

Leonardo Mauricio Martínez Paredes, Daniela Fernanda Guano Merino, Silvia Licett Ramos Idrovo


Obtaining mozzarella cheese, through the design of an industrial process, in the province of Chimborazo, city Colta

Introduction. The industrialization of a process allows a product to be obtained in less time and its quality is ensured with the provisions of the NTE INEN 82 standard: Mozzarella cheese. Requirements. Objectives. Design an industrial process to obtain mozzarella cheese in the "SIERRALAC" processing plant belonging to the Corporation of Peasant and Indigenous Organizations of Huaconas and Culluctus (COCIH), in the Province of Chimborazo, city Colta. Methodology. It began with the characterization of the raw material, through physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes based on the NTE INEN 0009: 2012. Raw milk. Requirements. NTE INEN 9:2012. In addition, tests were carried out to identify the operating variables for the production of mozzarella cheese at the laboratory level, yielding the following results: pasteurization temperature at 65 °C for 30 minutes, cooling temperature at 40 °C, acidification time of 2- 3 hours, ideal pH between 5.2-5.4 for the spinning stage, spinning temperature at 65 °C and salting time of 3 hours. To meet the requirements of the microenterprise, the enzymatic fermentation method was used due to its high yield and product quality. Results. Based on the values ​​of the operating variables, the design of the equipment is conducted on an industrial scale, whose equipment is: a pot with a stirring system, a spinning tank, a lyre, and a molding table for a processing capacity of 500 liters of milk. Conclusion. The validation of the engineering design was conducted through the physical, bromatological, and microbiological characterization of mozzarella cheese according to the NTE INEN 82 standard: Mozzarella cheese. Requirements, whose results meet the quality parameters being suitable for consumption. Through a financial analysis study, it was verified that the project is viable, to guarantee the safety of the product, it is recommended to apply good manufacturing practices.

Danielita Fernanda Borja Mayorga, Marco Raul Chuiza Rojas, Mónica Lilian Andrade Avalos


Determination of the economic feasibility in the production and marketing of honey in the canton Morona, province of Morona Santiago

Introduction: this work addresses in the first instance a vision that seeks to explain the particularity of the product its historical evolution the same that is tied to the development and evolution of the human being, its problematic its challenges. Objectives: the objectives are strategically aligned to respond to the approach of the problem. In the reference theoretical framework, an explanation of the different components that are part of a feasibility study is made, considering the criteria of different authors. Methodology: qualitative and quantitative approach, describes the distinct phases addressed by the analysis of this study and the strategy used for the collection of the required information. Results: determination of the initial investment, which represents 42.78% of the total operating costs calculated for the first year whose value is $ 93,228.48 US dollars, as a subsequent process the financing requirements are analyzed that according to the data collected correspond to 70% of the initial investment, a projection of the income is made and finally the internal rate of return (IRR) is calculated that corresponds to 29.12% and is above  the discount or opportunity rate; the net present value (NPV) representing a positive value ($14,684.32 dollars).  Conclusions: the cost benefit (B / C) that corresponds to 1.26 which means that for each dollar of investment the project receives 26 cents of profit.

Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra, Víctor Hugo Huebla Concha, Manuel María Fiallos Ramos, Orlando Efraín Bravo Calle
