The conditional resistance capacity and its relationship with the selection of sports talent at ESPOCH.

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Olguer Fabián Sánchez Espinoza
Luis Gustavo Díaz
Jorge Giovanny Tocto Lobato


Introduction. Evaluating the physical condition of resistance in university students through Test or physical tests, for the detection of sports talents, constitutes a relevant tool. Objective. Incorporate a sports talent detection system, from the approach of timely diagnosis, through University Physical Education Programs, which allow controlling and classifying physical capacities, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student. Methodology. The research followed a mixed, descriptive approach using theoretical and empirical methods. The sample consisted of 1098 students, fulfilling the inclusion criteria of studying at the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) in its 7 faculties. A single test or physical test was used, which provided the necessary results for the selection of students with sports talent. Results. 1. An essential indicator for measuring the performance of physical endurance capacity is provided, facilitating knowledge regarding the number of students who may have the primary conditions to be considered possible sports talents. 2. The importance and usefulness of timely diagnosis is reaffirmed, through the use of physical tests to measure physical condition and facilitate the detection of students who constitute potential sports potentials. Conclusions. Among the aspects most evaluated in the talent selection process in terms of endurance capacity are genetic factors such as: VO2 max, heart rate, beats per minute and respiratory rate. It is shown that it is essential to consider sports selection as a process in which the largest number of practitioners must necessarily be involved, in such a way that it allows the evaluation tests to be applied to the generality, the larger the sample, the greater the number possible to be selected for the practice of a certain sport.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Espinoza, O. F. ., Gustavo Díaz, L., & Tocto Lobato, J. G. (2021). The conditional resistance capacity and its relationship with the selection of sports talent at ESPOCH. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.1), 304–324.



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