Incidence of the F.C.T. in the learning of technical high school students

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Jorge Jacinto Cagua Vélez
Elsa Patricia Tarupí Yépez
Juan Eduardo Anzules Ballesteros
Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz


Introduction: Work Center Training (FCT) is a training period in a company that all technical high school students must complete once they have successfully completed the study plan taught in the Educational Unit. The FCT represents the first incursion into the world of work of the production system, at least as far as the professional figure is concerned and comes from the so-called dual education. Objective: to analyze the incidence of workplace training in technical high school students, with the purpose of understanding how this practice contributes to the development of skills and its benefits. Methodology: The focus of this research was quantitative. The methods that were applied were the analytical-synthetic. The research technique was the survey using a questionnaire with questions on the Likert scale, with 10 items for the students. The data were processed in SPSS. The study was carried out at the “Nueva Concordia” Educational Unit, with a group of 101 students from the third technical baccalaureate of the professional figure of Agricultural Productions and Accounting by means of a non-probabilistic causal sampling. Results: to interpret the incidence of the FCT student group in relation to the insertion in companies of third-year high school students, it was necessary to calculate the average of the total scores of each student according to the intervals set out in the tables, obtaining a favorable influence in learning. Conclusion: the training of work centers had an impact on high school students, improving the employability skills of young people and strengthening the connection between education and the world of work.


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How to Cite
Cagua Vélez , J. J., Tarupí Yépez, E. P., Anzules Ballesteros, J. E., & Maliza Cruz, W. I. (2024). Incidence of the F.C.T. in the learning of technical high school students. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2.2), 28–47.