Propose to reconcile the work and the family in a company of the automotive sector

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Katherine Lorena Sanguña Carrera
Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín


In order to obtain an authentic conciliation between the work and the familiar life it is required of a great dose of discipline, planning and organization in both systems (labor-relative) so that a imbalance does not exist that affects on the one hand, psiquis of the worker and by another one, the productivity in its place of work, we suggested some directives and directions to them to obtain this intention that takes us to the investigation. Objective. To generate good labor and familiar practices, using tools practical to obtain conciliation and quality of life in the work and the families of the workers of the company. Methodology. The present project has a descriptive methodology and analytical, which it generates quantitative and qualitative information, which looks for “to specify the properties, the characteristics and the profiles of people, groups, communities, processes, objects or any other phenomenon related to the subject, that is to say, they measure, they evaluate  or they collect data on diverse concepts (variable), aspects, dimensions or components of the phenomenon to investigate”. Results. The final sample was conformed by 35 people who toil in a automotive company. The workers have a high degree of schooling, a 17.50% consider that they have a flexible schedule, finish to their labor day 51% of the workers between 18:30 and 19:00 hours, around 90% of the personnel he thinks that he is due to separate the subjects of work and the familiar life; finally, the company promotes some practices to foment this conciliation between the work and the familiar life. Conclusion. The practices that would have to improve in the company go focused to the flexibility of schedules, teletrabajo, remunerations, race plans, next to the opportune vacations in time and permissions to take care of subjects familiar. 


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How to Cite
Sanguña Carrera, K. L., & Santillán Marroquín, W. E. . (2021). Propose to reconcile the work and the family in a company of the automotive sector. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3), 6–22.

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