Literature review on online classes and their effect on emotional burnout in students learning

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Marco Antonio Chávez Salguero
Rud Noemi Cunin Chimborazo
Marcela Maribel Morales Tixi
Rosa Esthela Sánchez Rivera


Introduction: Online classes have radically influenced the educational environment due to the growing dependence on technology, bringing with them negative effects on the emotional and mental aspects of students and consequently affecting their academic performance.  Objective: This study, through a bibliographic review, aims to determine the factors of online classes and their impact on students' emotional exhaustion. Objective: Methodology: The methodological approach adopted is primarily qualitative-descriptive, since a vast amount of information necessary to carry out this research has been collected through the use of primary and secondary sources. Results: The methodological approach adopted is primarily qualitative-descriptive, since a vast amount of information necessary to carry out this research has been collected through the use of primary and secondary sources. Conclusions: It was concluded that most students prefer to work in person, demonstrating a certain rejection of virtual education, as they state that the simple fact of sharing in the classroom between teachers and students strengthens their emotional states, while being exposed to the computer for long hours produces a lot of distraction, mental and emotional fatigue. General Study Area: Education. Specific area of study: Online classes. Type of study: Bibliography Review.


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How to Cite
Chávez Salguero , M. A., Cunin Chimborazo, R. N., Morales Tixi, M. M., & Sánchez Rivera, R. E. (2025). Literature review on online classes and their effect on emotional burnout in students learning. AlfaPublicaciones, 7(1.1), 101–129.

