Propouse a pedagogical strategy for the education of academic talent, from the family context

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Vilma Govea Arias
Yenisleidy Guijarro Cruz
Ariel León Arencibia
Sara Nidhya Camacho Estrada


The research responds to the topic: the education of academic talent, from the family context, in Basic Secondary School. It belongs to the project “The education of the academic talent of the students of the IPVCE “Amistad Cuba Sweden”. It arises from the need to improve results in Contests and Olympics, in the Mayabeque province. It has been shown that there is a lack of preparation in families to face this process, mainly in matters related to knowledge on the subject. Among the causes is the insufficient quality of the pedagogical action based on said preparation. Its objective is to: Propose a pedagogical strategy for the education of academic talent from the family context, in basic secondary school, in Mayabeque. To follow up on this purpose, the general dialectical-materialist method and the methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical level were used. A pedagogical strategy is proposed that involves families in the academic and scientific activity of students with academic talent in Basic Secondary Education. It was applied as a pre-experiment according to its stages and strategic objectives. At the end of the research, it was shown that it is possible to support the process of educating academic talent, from the family context.


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How to Cite
Govea Arias, V., Guijarro Cruz, Y., León Arencibia, A., & Camacho Estrada, S. N. (2024). Propouse a pedagogical strategy for the education of academic talent, from the family context. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2), 181–195.



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