Educational management and teacher performance in Ecuadorian schools

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María José Mayorga Ases
Katty Patricia Sánchez Manobanda
Santiago Javier Páliz Ibarra
Diego Fernando Melo Fiallos


Introduction. Educational management and teacher performance is a fundamental role in improving the work environment in educational units. On the one hand, educational management is necessary to improve teacher performance. It involves aspects such as planning, organization, direction and control of resources and processes. In Ecuador, it is a government priority to seek the quality of the public education service. Objective. To determine the impact of educational management on teacher performance in educational units in Ecuador. Methodology. We opted for qualitative research indicating aspects such as the identification of the problem, bibliographical consultation of the necessary sources to support the study variables, prioritizing the findings, analyzing the information, and interpreting the scientific information identified in order to conclude. Results. The factors affecting teacher performance in Ecuadorian schools are identified, the main one being teacher training and professional development opportunities. Another to be considered are the strategies to improve teacher performance identified the various trainings required by MINEDUC. Finally, the case studies where educational management has improved teacher performance depending on the type of school A, B, C by the characteristics of the size of the institution. Conclusion. The study indicates that proper educational management helps to improve teaching performance because with clear guidelines and with teaching freedoms can improve administrative and academic activities. General area of study: education. Specific area of study: educational quality


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How to Cite
Mayorga Ases, M. J., Sánchez Manobanda, K. P., Páliz Ibarra, S. J., & Melo Fiallos, D. F. (2023). Educational management and teacher performance in Ecuadorian schools. AlfaPublicaciones, 5(3), 19–29.

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