Application of the inverted classroom in the learning of language and literature

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Gissela Alexandra Arroba López
Edwin Gustavo Moyón Coronel
Rosa Margarita Pinta Remache
María Fernanda Morales Gómez de la Torre


Introduction: The application of the flipped classroom in language and literature learning is very important because there is interaction and engagement of everyone in the classroom. The research analyzes factors such as students' collaborative learning, as well as the capacity of language and literature practice. Objective. The present research consists of the elaboration of an investigation that deals with the inverted classroom based on the learning of language and literature. Methodology. It identifies the relevant literature, evaluates the selected studies, analyzes the data and synthesis of the information, interprets the findings, and finally presents the findings and conclusions of the review in a clear and precise manner, using appropriate citations and bibliographical references to support the arguments presented. Results. Obtaining results on the feasibility and effectiveness to improve students' interest in learning. It is found that when technologies are adapted to the classroom, the results are favorable, as well as the students' interest is increased. Likewise, it is identified that all the contents shared in the classroom are suitable for the inverted classroom technique, so the teacher must have the ability to select those topics that really contribute significantly to this technique of collaborative work in the classroom. Conclusion. The flipped classroom has the potential to revolutionize education by promoting student-centered learning and empowering students to take control of their own education. It has proven to be an effective approach to language and literacy learning. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Collaborative education.


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How to Cite
Arroba López, G. A., Moyón Coronel, E. G., Pinta Remache, R. M., & Morales Gómez de la Torre, M. F. (2023). Application of the inverted classroom in the learning of language and literature. AlfaPublicaciones, 5(2.1), 64–75.

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