Taptana kañari as a didactic resource, to develop mathematical logical reasoning in the fifth year of elementary school.

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Elias Vaquilema Inguillay
Roxana Auccahuallpa Fernández
Sergio Constantino Ochoa Encalada


This investigative work was with the objective of strengthening the mathematical logical reasoning in the students of fifth year of basic of the CECIB "Daniel Clavijo Iglesias" in the resolution of problems, with the Taptana, in order to improve the level of reasoning. Mathematical. For which, we worked through the quasi-experimental methodology, with a mixed epistemological approach, stratified random sampling and longitudinal cohort. As a study population in the present investigation, 12 fifth-year students from the CECIB "Daniel Clavijo Iglesias" had a direct and voluntary participation, which is located at 3200 m.a.s.l. in the jurisdiction of the community of Cebadas, as a research instrument, cards were applied. of pre-test and post-test observation, showing as a result that the didactic material used in the children allowed to achieve a significant change, since the bilateral significance is less than 0.05 in all the variables, thus achieving a mathematical logical reasoning.


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How to Cite
Vaquilema Inguillay, E., Auccahuallpa Fernández , R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & Ochoa Encalada, S. C. (2022). Taptana kañari as a didactic resource, to develop mathematical logical reasoning in the fifth year of elementary school. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(4), 83–102. https://doi.org/10.33262/ap.v4i4.286

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