Design of teaching resources with Project-Based Learning for the metalworking module

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Guido Daniel Coello Baños
Juan Pablo Pazmiño Piedra
Juan Carlos Erazo Álvarez


The project-based method is currently used to encourage students to work collaboratively, getting involved in the different phases of a project such as: planning, decision-making, generation of innovative ideas, evaluation of progress and proposals for possible modifications. For this reason, this research is based on substantiating the project-based learning method with the motivation of students for the construction of didactic models that adhere to the area of ​​automotive electromechanics of the Daniel Córdova Toral high school; given the need for the lack of didactic resources for the correct reception of knowledge in the practical part by the students of the first year of high school who, considering their adaptation within the professional figure, require skills to manage all kinds of tools, simulation of systems and circuits located within a vehicle. Analyzing the survey carried out on the students, the insufficiency of didactic material and tools for the large group of students who enter the first year of high school is evident. With the development of this research, it is intended that the students strengthen the contents of the different training modules in their innovative proposal that will be projected as the development of a didactic model or simulation of the system, a mechanism designed by all the members of the assigned groups


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How to Cite
Coello Baños, G. D., Pazmiño Piedra, J. P., & Erazo Álvarez, J. C. (2022). Design of teaching resources with Project-Based Learning for the metalworking module. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(4), 67–82.

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