Digital skills of the teacher in the teaching-learning process of the technical bachelor's degree in the subject of entrepreneurship and management

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Alba Verónica Salinas Villacis
Carlos Francisco Baldeon Zapata
Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz
Juan Manuel Guaigua Guaigua


Introduction: The integration of digital technologies in education has become a key approach to improve learning and skill development in students around the world. Objective: This study aims to evaluate how the use of digital teaching tools impacts the development of entrepreneurial and management skills among second-year technical high school students. Methodology: We adopted a quantitative approach through a quasi-experimental design, which included before and after tests with control and experimental groups, using a sample of 30 students divided into two groups. For the experimental group, a pedagogical intervention was implemented using virtual learning environments, while the control group followed a more traditional teaching approach. Results: The results reveal that the experimental group showed significant improvements in the three competencies evaluated, compared to the control group. An increase in the enjoyment and perceived relevance of digital resources was also observed, according to the IMMS scale. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study highlights that the use of digital technologies in business and management education not only improves the academic performance of students, but also strengthens vital skills for their professional future. However, the need to conduct more research is highlighted to determine the effectiveness of these tools in various educational contexts.


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How to Cite
Salinas Villacis, A. V., Baldeon Zapata, C. F., Maliza Cruz, W. I., & Guaigua Guaigua, J. M. (2024). Digital skills of the teacher in the teaching-learning process of the technical bachelor’s degree in the subject of entrepreneurship and management. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2.2), 132–152.



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