Introduction: The Colta lagoon located in the Sicalpa and Santiago de Quito parishes of the Colta canton, province of Chimborazo, has an extension of 2.5 km, being the sector where the practice of sediment dredging is carried out in the habitat of the sp. Chroicocephalus serranus. Methodology: A situational diagnosis was prepared where the anthropic activities carried out in the lagoon and the type of dredging that is being developed were determined; In addition, samples of water, sediment and bird species were taken in three places included in zone 1: Aquatic Park, zone 2: San José and Raya Loma and zone 3: Santa Inés. Subsequently, the samples were sent to their respective analysis. Objectives: The negative impacts generated by the dredging of sediments from the Colta lagoon on the habitat of Chroicocephalus serranus were determined. In addition, the state of conservation of the habitat was known through the identification of impacts. Results: The presence of heavy metals such as Cu, Ba, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn with levels higher than the admissible levels established in the General Standards of quality criteria for the uses of surface, maritime and estuarine waters, which means effects negative effects on the habitat of the Andean gull (Chroicocephalus serranus). Conclusions: The analysis of heavy metals from the sediment, water and bird samples from the lagoon reveals the existence of some heavy metals such as: Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn and Ba. Which can be toxic and harmful to the species. In addition, alterations were found in the laboratory analyses, which generate negative impacts on the habitat of the Andean gull (Chroicocephalus serranus), generating chemical contamination with heavy metals in the components of the water, nutrients and food.