Published: 2022-04-05

Statistics and business growth: bibliometric analysis

The literature was reviewed for the compilation and publication of research papers that include statistical variables and business development studies in Latin America. The bibliographic analysis presented in this paper aims to identify the main characteristics of the number of publications registered by Latin American countries in the Scopus database for the period 2016-2021, allowing to determine the total number of 40 publications. After describing these characteristics, qualitative analysis can be used to refer to the positions of different authors on the proposed topic. The information provided by the platform is categorized graphically and numerically, which categorizes the information by year of publication, country of publication, field of knowledge and type of publication. Among the main results of the research, Brazil turned out to be the most productive country in Latin America, with 10 claims. The field of knowledge that has contributed most to the construction of bibliographic materials for statistical research and business development is the social sciences, of which 13 articles have been published and the type of publications used, most in the period mentioned were articles and journals, representing 75% of the total scientific production.

Julio César Rivadeneira Moreira, Maybelline Jaqueline Herrera Sánchez, César Iván Casanova Villalba, Franklin Roberto Bueno Moyano


Vocational interest and choice for the study of careers in mathematic

The dynamics of any society is constantly emanating professional information for its citizens, which becomes a relevant reference when it comes time to select and choose a profession, with the purpose of becoming active members of the social system. The purpose is to understand the motives and reasons that influence the vocational interest and choice that lead to the study of careers in mathematics. The qualitative methodology with phenomenological research design, supported by conducting in-depth interviews, helped to investigate the experiences that influenced the search, selection, and election process of fifteen (15) mathematics professors from the Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela, towards your decision to pursue a degree in mathematics. Forty-four (44) natural themes were identified, grouped into seven (7) categories, where their relationships gave way to the formulation of three (3) models (Individual aspects, Experiences with mathematics and Opportunity). Thus, we concluded that the interest and vocational choice for the study of careers in mathematics, develops from the articulation of individual and supra-individual aspects, helping the discovery  the vocation through the gestation of vocational interests related to the area. The dynamics of any society is constantly emanating professional information for its citizens, which becomes a relevant reference when it comes time to select and choose a profession, mainly with the purpose of becoming active members of the social system. The purpose is to understand the motives and reasons that influence the vocational interest and choice that lead to the study of careers in mathematics. The qualitative methodology with phenomenological research design, supported by conducting in-depth interviews, helped to investigate the experiences that influenced the search, selection and election process of fifteen (15) mathematics professors from the Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela, towards your decision to pursue a degree in mathematics. Forty-four (44) natural themes were identified, grouped into seven (7) categories, where their relationships gave way to the formulation of three (3) models (Individual aspects, Experiences with mathematics and Opportunity). Thus, we concluded that the interest and vocational choice, to study a career in mathematics, is developed from the articulation of individual and supra-individual aspects, helping the discovery of the vocation through the gestation of vocational interests related to the area.

Ramón Antonio Abancin Ospina, Zenaida Natividad Castillo Marrero, Paulina Elizabeth Valverde Aguirre, Víctor Oswaldo Cevallos Vique


Adoption associated factors influencing adoption time of sheltered dogs in Ecuador. An observational longitudinal study

Introduction. Dog abandonment has implications for animal welfare and is a public health concern. In response to the problem of abandonment, stray dogs are fostered in dog shelters while waiting for adoption. Unfortunately, the lack of public policies to minimize dog abandonment and overpopulation have both led to increasingly long-term sheltering for stary dogs. Objective. The objective of the present study was to identify factors that moderate the adoption processes of stray dogs in shelters from the Amazon and Sierra Regions of Ecuador. Methodology. To do that, the data was collected from four DS and the relationship between adoption time as outcome variable and sex, age, coat color and breed as explanatory variables was studied using Kaplan-Meier models. Results. Sample (n= 207) was composed mostly by adults (n= 62; 52.10%), females (n= 115; 56.00%), mixed breed (n= 185, 89.00%) and yellow coat dogs (n = 59, 29.00%). Average adoption time was 188 days (SD= 18.60). The main factor associated with time of adoption was age. Puppies and juveniles were adopted in shorter periods of time in comparison to adults. Factors such as sex, breed or coat color were not statistically significantly associated with adoption time. Conclusion. Findings from the present study suggest that adoption processes might potentially benefit from fostering adoption campaigns targeting specific dog populations to promote among family’s adoption of disadvantaged dogs.

Pamela Vinueza Veloz, Andrés Fernando Vinueza, Nelson Renato Aldaz Pachacama, Kenny Michelle Álvarez Almeida


Adaptation of the (Selenicereus Megalanthus) to climatic changes in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Palora, Ecuador

Introduction. The fruit has been produced at an accelerated rate in recent years in the Palora canton, located in the Northwest of the province of Morona Santiago; sector where it has been possible to observe the presence of several environmental damages derived from its harvest. Objective. This research is based on analyzing the adaptation of pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) crops to climate change, in relation to the activity generated by it. Methodology. It describes and analyzes the different activities related to its production process, in relation to different impacts, it also describes the containment measures to be applied so that these are remedied or in turn eliminated. Results. It can be mentioned that in the cost-benefit ratio (adaptation of the harvest to climate change), it generates profits of $1.40 for each dollar invested in an estimated time of three years. The actors involved in cultivation and adaptation are identified; the direct actors correspond to the producers, merchants, consumers, suppliers, and workers, while the indirect actors are the state institutions and ministries (MAGAP and INIAP), the public bank. Conclusion. Finally, it is determined that the cost of the initial investment for its production in one hectare is USD $17,779.00, a value to be considered in the production processes.

Víctor Hugo del Corral Villarroel, Eric Rendon Schneir, Patricio Castro Pacheco, Luis Eduardo Álvarez Cortez


Implementation of a deflector to a Mercedez-Benz Atego 1725 truck and comparative analysis of consumption

A windbreak deflector was implemented for the cabin of a Mercedes-Benz Atego 1725-54 van type truck, with the purpose of directing the air that impacts frontally on the vehicle at high speeds, preventing it from colliding directly on the frontal surface of the vehicle. drawer to reduce fuel consumption. The disorderly and aggressive shock of the air slows down the vehicle's progress and triggers a greater demand for fuel to overcome these resistances. The design of the deflector was conducted using a CAD program and the design and resistance to external environmental factors to which it will be subjected were verified using a CAE simulation program. For the construction process, a cross matrix of fiberglass and epoxy resin binder was used. For fuel consumption, data was collected from a route of 100 km at an average speed of 90 km/h, at an altitude between 2,866 and 3,507 masl, which includes the Amazonas - Machachi service station as the starting point and the end point the Las Flores-Ambato service station, data collection was done before and after installing the deflector in the vehicle, resulting in a reduction in fuel consumption of 23.12% per year. It is concluded that the installation of the deflector benefits fuel consumption for heavy transport vehicles, especially in vehicles where the frontal area of ​​the cargo area is higher than the cabin.

Víctor David Bravo Morocho, Edwin Rodolfo Pozo Safla, Pablo Andrés Marcillo Moya


Influence of CEO personality in the 21st century

Introduction. In the context of business and corporate management, a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the chief executive officer; he is the top executive, and he has great responsibilities; To fulfill his functions, he must take actions influenced by his personality, whose importance for the success of the company is little known. Target. Determine the influence of the CEO's personality in the 21st century. Methodology. A systematic review of the literature was used, using the five-phase analysis protocol. Three questions were formulated as research guides, each linked to a theme. For the search, Google Scholar was used, delimiting by keywords, languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese; and temporality from 2000 to 2022 (21st century); The article, with free access, was selected as the type of document. Results. For the first topic studied, it was found that the impact of the CEO for companies can be both favorable or positive, as well as unfavorable or negative, depending on factors such as the personal characteristics of the CEO. For topic two, the necessary requirements to be a successful CEO include a series of managerial skills such as strategic, intra-strategic and personal effectiveness; They must also strengthen the strategic areas: leadership, intellectual, motivational, and interpersonal relationships; They must also be initiative-taking and activist. Regarding topic three, it was found that the psychological, behavioral, emotional, and social characteristics that a CEO should have been associated with his personality. Conclusion. The influence of the CEO's personality in the 21st century cannot be classified or judged as positive or negative, because each company or organization has its dynamism, and requires a different decision-making capacity linked to its mission and view.

Mayra Emérita Gallegos Vargas, Rommel Ulises Salazar Cedeño, Carlota Alexandra Tenesaca Morales


Language and technology in the university context

Introduction. The study and development of research related to language is increasingly relevant in the academic field, due to the influence it has on the development of psychological processes linked to learning and construction of knowledge. Target. Describe elements and codes of the language related to technology, used by students of Literature at the University of Guayaquil. Methodology. A quantitative approach was used, the design was field, because it was conducted directly in the place where the students live; and not experimental; descriptive type. The study subjects were 125 students enrolled in the Literature career, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, University of Guayaquil, for 2022. A closed questionnaire, structured in five dimensions and eighteen items, was applied. Results. Sixty-eight percent do not like to read; and 62.4% do not like to write. 78.4% declared that they never have an adequate spelling; 74.4% never have adequate wording; 73.6% never make a synthesis adequately and can never interpret the information they read; and 74.4% can never write texts in a structured way. A preference was obtained for using words and graphic elements in equal proportion; at 61.6%. 80.8% always use emojis; 79.2% always use unconventional abbreviations; 78.4% always use gift; 69.6% always use memes; 82.4% always use acronyms; and 84% always use neologisms. Seventy-two percent expressed that when writing academic texts, they always use linguistic codes of communication in social networks; In addition, 76% always use the language of youth technology, by mistake. Conclusion. The use of technological language in academic activities such as evaluations has resulted in unfavorable results, considering that the population investigated are students of the Literature career.

Shirley Trinidad Icaza Ronquillo, Mirna Carola Romero Coloma , Ingrid Karina Martinetti Guerrero


Educational policies in Ecuadorian universities to serve Venezuelan migrant students

Introduction. Currently, the great mobilization of Venezuelans to Latin American countries has become a matter of concern, which is why governments and international organizations have recognized this problem by addressing it and providing solutions through migration and human rights regulations. Likewise, the social imbalance suffered by migrants leads them to stumble in the continuity of their educational training. Objective. The objective of this article is to discern the policies that have been developed in Ecuador regarding the care of Venezuelan migrants in the higher education system. Methodology. It will be conducted through a documentary review of national and international laws and regulations that frame the insertion and support for Venezuelan migrants. Results. This publication analyzes and provides contributions on the organizations that have worked with the problem of Venezuelan migration and its repercussions in the Latin American region and the policies that Ecuador has taken to help with the large number of Venezuelans who are in the country, the regulations that benefit them in terms of human rights, study opportunities, and the strategies that have been taken into consideration to provide them with satisfactory experiences to establish themselves and move forward as citizens of the world. Conclusion. The journey through laws, regulations and resource management system for education that Ecuador has, from the Lima Group, the Constitution of Ecuador, the Law of Organization of the Population Movement and the educational policies of each university must still promote increasingly the strategies of inclusion, multiculturalism and enrichment that benefit the migrant and therefore the country, allowing Venezuelan migrants to have a normal life and that through these benefits they can collaborate with the socio-educational and cultural development of the country .

Luis Enrique Pinzón Barriga, Claudia Patricia Bernal Luna, Efrén Armando Montecé Quiguango


Use the application Cake to develop oral production in English as a Foreign Language in A2 level students

Introduction: This study explored the effectiveness of the Cake application to enhance speaking skill considering four basic components: fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Cake application as a complementary tool to develop English as a Foreign Language speaking skill in basic level university students (A2). Methodology: This Quasi-experimental study contemplated a particular group of forty students with an average age between 19 and 20 years, studying the second semester of a public university in Ecuador with a basic level of English (A2) during the academic period of October 2021-March. 2022. The study took place in three stages: The initial stage, in which oral production was evaluated before using the application (Pre-Test); the Experimentation stage, where the Cake application was used; and the Evaluation stage, conducted after having used the Cake application (Post Test). When conducting the Pre-Test and Post-Test, a speaking test was the instrument to assess oral production using the teams' platform and to distribute ten groups formed by four students each. The students were evaluated in 24-minute sessions, allocating a time of 6 minutes for each student. To measure the Pre-Test and the Post-Test results, a rubric with a scoring scale of 1 to 5 points, with a rating from low to excellent, was used to evaluate pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and grammar. Results: Once the analysis was completed, it was possible to identify significant changes in oral production parameters. Conclusions: The findings revealed a significant difference between the results of the Pre-Test and Post-Test. This difference demonstrates the effectiveness of the Cake application for the development of oral production and the relevance of the mobile-assisted language learning system (MALL) in the teaching-learning process of English as a foreign language.

Mónica Alejandra Logroño Becerra, Ángel Paul Obregón Mayorga, Lucio Armando Rodríguez Pillajo, Leonardo Efraín Cabezas Arévalo


Quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of its students in the Marketing Career of the State University of Bolívar

Introduction. Student satisfaction is valued as the state of well-being that students perceived when solving academic expectations and interests, this as an effect of the activities conducted by the institution to cover existing educational needs, since students are the main users of the universities. they are the ones who can best and directly assess satisfaction with the educational services provided to them. Goal. In such the objective of the present investigation is to determine the connection between the quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of its students in the Marketing Career of the State University of Bolívar. Methodology. The research is framed in a qualitative-quantitative methodological approach, with a documentary and descriptive and correlational design of association of variables. The population is 117 from the Marketing Career from second to seventh cycle considered the population under study, for the collection of information the survey technique was used, which was applied to students to the total number of students. Results. The investigation allowed us to know that a significant percentage of students distinguish the quality of the academic process as good, so that in turn there is a significant percentage of students satisfied with the academic process that the Marketing Career unfolds. Conclusion. It was concluded that the existing confirmation between the variables under study in this investigation allows us to determine and affirm that the quality of the academic process affects the satisfaction of the students of the Marketing Career of the State University of Bolívar.

Paola Estefanía Albán Trujillo, Patricia de Lourdes León Monar, Christian Fernando Barragán Quizhpe, Víctor Hugo Quizhpe Baculima
