Implementation of environmentally friendly mechanisms for the recovery of Gold and polymetallic in the field of small mining and artisanal mining in Ecuador

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Jenny Priscila Granja Carrera
Christian Adrián Ordoñez Guaycha
Gregory Guillermo Cuesta Andrade


Introduction. Ecuador has great mining potential that is affected by poor practice in mineral extraction causing serious damage to the environment, which is why this research topic is raised. Objective. Document the different techniques and mechanisms friendly to the environment for the recovery of gold and polymetallic in the field of small mining and artisanal mining, through the analysis of mineral extraction alternatives for its proposal and implementation in small-scale mining. Methodology. Documentary or bibliographic research will be applied that, through digital media, from documentary sources, books, scientific articles, and hemerography, information is obtained, selected, compiled, organized, interpreted and analyzed to later capture, structure and present the work done. Results. There are several extraction methods and techniques that help reduce the amount of mercury and cyanide used in the gold recovery process, classified as physical, chemical and biological, of which the most appropriate, viable and feasible are chosen and analyzed, with the least impact on the environment and human beings.


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How to Cite
Granja Carrera, J. P., Ordoñez Guaycha, C. A., & Cuesta Andrade, G. G. (2021). Implementation of environmentally friendly mechanisms for the recovery of Gold and polymetallic in the field of small mining and artisanal mining in Ecuador. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.1), 271–288.