Implementation of connected learning principles in the teaching of foreign language by applying internet resources for the formation of listening skills

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Sandra Leticia Guijarro Paguay
Yajaira Natali Padilla Padilla
Silvia Narcisa Cazar Costales


Introduction. The article analyzes the fundamental principles of a new approach to the organization of education, which has received the definition of “connected learning” in the methodological literature in the English language; the main advantages of the active inclusion of smartphones in education; some techniques of using the WhatsApp messenger in the classroom for English as a foreign language. Objective. Contribute to the use of Internet resources in the teaching of English for the development of listening skills. Methodology. Methodology. Special attention is paid to the aspect of improving the listening skills of students of non-linguistic faculties, through the analysis of the experience in organizing independent work for learning English as a foreign language at different levels of training. Results. he computer technologies used as part of the electronic teaching aids is available on the local network and part on the Internet. The development of virtual learning environments has optimized the task of sharing resources and evaluating them synchronously, allowing the student to access asynchronously from any physical location. Conclusions. Internet resources are an effective means of organizing educational space, maintaining social relationships, as they allow participants in the learning process to carry out joint activities, use the latest materials in various formats and also train various types of speaking activities. An authentic training can be carried out with the audio material, it is interesting, informative and meaningful, understandable, in correspondence with the modern reality of an evolving society.


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How to Cite
Guijarro Paguay, S. L. ., Padilla Padilla, Y. N., & Cazar Costales, S. N. (2021). Implementation of connected learning principles in the teaching of foreign language by applying internet resources for the formation of listening skills. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.1), 249–260.