Automation systems in LACT units for dynamic measurement of hydrocarbons in the oil industry

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Andrés David Padilla Romero
Sayda Cecilia Chamba Melo
Gabriela Cristina Aguilera Flores
Hilda Fabiola Anguaya Isama


The paper aims to present automation systems in LACT units for the dynamic measurement of hydrocarbons in the oil industry, due to the importance of their instruments in the processes of custody transfer (CT) of hydrocarbons. For this, concepts about dynamic measurement in the hydrocarbon industry were developed. Subsequently, three automation systems are presented in LACT units for the dynamic measurement of gas in a two-line station, naphtha and diesel in the Pozos Colorados station, and oil in the complex of production and facilities Indillana of the Petroamazonas EP, each system contains a P&ID and the instruments for its automation and control, Emerson and Siemens brand flow meters also shown. Systematized tables were prepared from the P&ID, which show the industrial instruments and their connectivity, through SCADA, with the control instruments, as a guide to design automation systems for LACT units. The correct dynamic measurement of gas, naphtha, diesel and oil, for the CT process, by the automation systems presented, depend on the standard linearity and repeatability of the flow meter, the development of computer networks and networks communication through field buses, these last two concepts are within what is called automation 4.0.


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How to Cite
Padilla Romero, A. D., Chamba Melo, S. C., Aguilera Flores, G. C., & Anguaya Isama, H. F. . (2021). Automation systems in LACT units for dynamic measurement of hydrocarbons in the oil industry. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.1), 6–28.