Influence of TCI -based methodologies on the academic performance of students

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Maria Aurora Allauca Allauca
Cinthya Verónica España León
Ramon Guzmán Hernández


In the contemporary educational environment, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have transformed the way teaching is conceived and practiced. In the field of technical baccalaureate, where the preparation of students for the world of work and technology is crucial, teaching methodologies based on ICT have been positioned as a fundamental resource to enhance learning and improve academic performance. Objective: Determine the level of influence of ICT-based methodologies on high school students in the UE Nueva California. Methodology: Collaborative learning methodology. Results: Improved access and quality of information. Personalization of learning. Influence of ICT-based methodologies on students' academic performance. Conclusions: The proposal for the application of ICT-based methodologies served to constitute an alternative to promote adequate education. The projection design improved student performance constitutes a viable alternative to significantly influence students. In the validation with the different research techniques, it was possible to verify how teachers used technological tools when planning their class instruments. The Nearpod platform provides real-time ease, is convenient for students, creating a positive and significant impact by improving motivation and digital competencies in students. General study area: Pedagogy. Specific area of ​​study: Teaching-learning methodology. Type of study: Original, clinical case, bibliographic review. ICTs have changed all areas of human knowledge; this is how we seek to determine the influence of ICT-based methodologies on the academic performance of technical high school students specializing in Computer Science at the Nueva California Private Educational Unit, located in the city of Guayaquil, province of Guayas.


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How to Cite
Allauca Allauca, M. A., España León, C. V., & Guzmán Hernández , R. (2024). Influence of TCI -based methodologies on the academic performance of students. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(3.1), 145–164.

