The teaching professional and the training process of the technical baccalaureate in machining and metal constructions

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Washington German Contreras Jiménez
Jonathan Israel Pazmiño Quezada
Rosa Elena Ordóñez Vivero
Alejandro Reigosa Lara


Introduction: The study on technical knowledge addresses the importance of the pedagogical process in technical education in the Fe y Alegría Educational Unit of Guayaquil. Objectives: To investigate the strengthening of pedagogical models such as competencies and collaborative spaces in professional pedagogical processes in the comprehensive training of technical bachelors in machining and metal constructions. Methodology: Different approaches are investigated, such as constructivism and experiential learning, and added information technologies impacting the quality of learning in the specialization of technical baccalaureate in machining and metal constructions. It uses a qualitative methodology through student surveys and interviews with an expert teacher of the specialty in metal constructions, who indicates that the results of the research reveal that the feedback to students varies positively and the valuation of practices that are supported by didactic methods and resources in their application. Results: The positive assessment of students in practical activities and projects, fundamental in the technical training of students, is highlighted. In addition, areas for improvement and updating of the tools are identified, communication between teachers and students offers guidelines to improve the pedagogical process and a more effective and satisfactory training. Conclusions: The research points to the importance of applying a pedagogical approach and more effective communication between teachers and students who face challenges such as technological advances and adapting to the updating of equipment and more collaborative learning environments. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Pedagogy. Type of study: original.


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How to Cite
Contreras Jiménez, W. G., Pazmiño Quezada, J. I., Ordóñez Vivero, R. E., & Reigosa Lara, A. (2024). The teaching professional and the training process of the technical baccalaureate in machining and metal constructions. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(3.1), 145–165.

