Strategies for the use of ICT in SMEs

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Priscila Nayeli Ayala Salazar
Carmen Guadalupe Muzgo Ichina
Mónica Patricia Salazar Tapia


Introduction: The business dynamics of recent years has shown a key need to adapt to a constantly evolving environment and globalization. This requires a more active and continuous intervention in aspects related to technological innovation and learning. Objectives: The objective of conducting this research is to know the level of use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the commercial and service sector in the region and what are the benefits of using them in the labor market. Methodology: The methodology applied in this research aims to address effective strategies for the adoption and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the business field. It is important to emphasize that a quantitative analysis study is used, and the survey method was applied, which filled out a total of 107 surveys, which yielded the statistical data that will be the fundamental pillar of the research. Results: As a result, it was possible to obtain a scoop through this research study that most companies do not apply all the technological tools because they lack updating in the technological matter and use of software, likewise we have been able to verify that they continue using precarious or old methodologies, for which reason they do not have as a company the total development of the same and its operation is ambiguous. Conclusions: it is concluded that the adoption of technology also entails challenges for SMEs, such as the need for investment, resistance to change and cybersecurity. SMEs that manage to overcome these obstacles and effectively take advantage of technological tools will have a greater chance of growing, being more competitive and adapting to market changes. General study area: Strategies for the use of ICT. Specific study area: Strategies for the use of ICT in SMEs. Type of study: original, bibliographic review, quantitative research because it is a methodological approach that focuses on the collection and analysis of numerical data to identify patterns, measure variables and make generalizations about specific phenomena, using statistical techniques to provide objective and precise results, allowing the validation of hypotheses and theories through the rigorous analysis of quantifiable data.


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How to Cite
Ayala Salazar, P. N., Muzgo Ichina, C. G., & Salazar Tapia, M. P. (2024). Strategies for the use of ICT in SMEs. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(3), 138–158.

