Implementation of a web application for the analysis of liquidity risk in cooperatives

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Wellington Francisco Cabezas Lucio
Jhonnathan Rafael Castillo Quiroz
Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera
Miguel Angel Duque Vaca


Introduction: Credit unions play a crucial role in serving the financial needs of their members and other individuals, especially those who have traditionally been excluded from the conventional financial system. Objectives: The objective of this research is the implementation of a web application for the analysis of the liquidity risk of cooperatives. The research is of an application type, since the project will incorporate a set of characteristics that provide the use of technological tools to solve the problems for the analysis of liquidity risk indices. Methodology: In addition, it was decided to use the XP development methodology together with its practices, following the stipulated process. For the development stage, the use of iterations was implemented to monitor the project. At the end of the development, the incorporation and analysis of usability is carried out, focusing on the indicators of learnability, accessibility, operability and recognizability of adequacy, through a survey as a tool of the empirical method and a software tool for the analysis of the heuristic method. Results: As a result, it is determined that the usability of the application is high compared to the average of the indicators mentioned above with 77.97% determining it as good. Conclusions: The implementation of the web application for the analysis of liquidity risks was achieved to streamline the decision-making processes in cooperatives since this index represents assertive decision-making in each financial institution. General area of study: Information Technology applied to Finance. Specific area of study: Software. Type of study: original, applicative, descriptive.


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How to Cite
Cabezas Lucio, W. F., Castillo Quiroz, J. R., Niama Rivera, L. M., & Duque Vaca, M. A. (2024). Implementation of a web application for the analysis of liquidity risk in cooperatives. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(3.1), 6–33.



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