Methodological proposal for sustainable rural development through citizen participation and participatory budgets

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Liliana Zoraida Matute Collaguazo
Paulo Cesar Gárate Rodríguez


Talking about participatory budgeting (PP) is the beginning of citizen participation within public management processes; Porto Alegre is the pioneer city of the implementation of this mechanism which achieved a real and effective impact on the management problems that were identified in this place. Over time, Porto Alegre became the model to follow for different cities not only in Brazil, but also in the administrations and local governments of the South American continent to name a few; Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, etc. Currently, citizen assemblies are held in different areas of the country, in which the lack of participation of the essential element “citizenship” in the prioritization of participatory budgets has been identified, unfortunately allowing low levels of compliance with institutional planning. Therefore, the need to propose a methodological guide for sustainable rural development is identified where citizen participation and budget execution are an input to legitimize institutions and their projects. As a result of this research, an attempt is made to obtain a methodology that contributes to improving citizen participation in the adequate execution of participatory budgets in their localities, through making accurate and effective decisions about their needs, with the objective of having an adequate methodology. easy to apply in the territories.


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How to Cite
Matute Collaguazo, L. Z., & Gárate Rodríguez , P. C. (2024). Methodological proposal for sustainable rural development through citizen participation and participatory budgets . AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2.1), 152–171.