Design thinking for business model innovation in dental offices in the city of Cuenca

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Tatiana Michelle Sánchez Vallejo
Guido Olivier Erazo Alvarez
Daniel Jacobo Andrade Pesantez


Introduction: Design Thinking, originated at IDEO and Stanford, combines analytical and intuitive thinking to solve complex problems. This study in Cuenca aims to design innovative solutions to improve the patient experience in dental offices. Objectives: To propose the Design Thinking approach to innovate business models in dental offices in Cuenca, improving patient experience. Additionally, this study aims to analyze current processes and business models in dental offices, identifying areas for improvement through Design Thinking. Methodology: Design Thinking is structured into five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Evaluate. Structured surveys will be used to collect quantitative data from dentists in Cuenca. The sample will include 60 dentists with active practices in the urban area of Azuay, specializing in pediatric dentistry. Results: The goal of developing Design Thinking within dental offices in the city of Cuenca is to foster innovation and improve the patient experience through a human-centered approach, identifying and solving key problems in daily management, optimizing processes, and adopting new technologies to offer more efficient and satisfactory services. To obtain results, frequency tables, binomial contrast, and descriptive tables will be evaluated among the surveys conducted on the described sample. Variables such as costs, user experience, and technology were studied; the relationship reflected that dentists seek welcoming places with comfortable interior designs for their patients. Additionally, they agree on adopting new technologies that benefit the patient and are willing to use transparent strategies to communicate costs, highlighting the influence of experience in the management and improvement of the experience. Conclusions: The study applies Design Thinking in dental offices in Cuenca, revealing differences in the measures adopted according to the experience of the dentists. The study fulfills its purpose of fostering innovation in business models, improving patient experience, and differentiating in the market.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Vallejo, T. M., Erazo Alvarez, G. O., & Andrade Pesantez, D. J. (2024). Design thinking for business model innovation in dental offices in the city of Cuenca. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2.3), 93–112.