COIP reform to address rights violations in rehabilitation centers

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Katherine Marisol Loyola Castillo
Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez


Objectives: This research was conducted with the objective of promoting a law reform that guarantees respect for people with addictions and their rights by the owners and workers of rehabilitation centers. Methodology: A deductive-inductive method was used, and a bibliographic review was conducted in the situational diagnosis stage, which allowed a study from the general to the particular in relation to the rights and the centers under study at the national level. In the proposal stage, the analytical method was used, conducting a detailed analysis through interviews with people who have been in these rehabilitation centers. Results: The present research work adopted a legal, doctrinal, and exploratory approach on the rights violated by the owners and workers of rehabilitation centers towards people with alcoholism and drug addiction diseases. Conclusion: It was possible to identify which rights are most frequently violated in these environments.


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How to Cite
Loyola Castillo, K. M., & Zamora Vázquez, A. F. (2023). COIP reform to address rights violations in rehabilitation centers. AlfaPublicaciones, 5(4.1), 6–28.


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