Email Marketing to position the regional brand Galapagos - Santa Cruz in the tourism market

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Daniela Carolina Aldaz Marfetán
César Andrés Guerrero Velástegui


Introduction: The use of Information and Communication Technologies has massified within the tourism field, becoming a fundamental tool and an ally for the conquest of tourists in the different destinations that are promoted through mobile applications and web portals. Objective: To develop strategies based on email marketing to apply regional place branding in Santa Cruz Island in the tourism market. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used, by collecting data with numerical measurement, for which three instruments (questionnaires) were applied to evaluate: tourism service providers on Santa Cruz Island, visitors in situ on the island, and potential tourists from other countries who wish or intend to visit the island in the next year. Results: To identify the reliability of the 3 questionnaires, the SPSS statistical software was used, validating the construct (Cronbach's Alpha) of each variable, in addition, the scale proposed by Chaves (2016) was considered, when the values are between 0.9 - 1, excellent reliability is obtained, which means that the questions of the questionnaire are reliable. In addition, it was identified that respondents handle Instagram (54%), Facebook (19%) and WhatsApp (11%); receive notifications in their email (45%); forward advertisements (61%); share information about tourist sites (37%) and forward tourist platform information related to the Galapagos Islands (61%). Likewise, we proceeded to identify the level of relationship between the variables using Pearson's chi-square identifying that the calculated p-value is less than the standard p-value, i.e., email marketing does relate to place branding of Santa Cruz Island. Conclusions: Based on the results found, strategies are carried out to increase the economic development of Santa Cruz Island - Galapagos. Area of study: Marketing.


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How to Cite
Aldaz Marfetán, D. C., & Guerrero Velástegui, C. A. (2023). Email Marketing to position the regional brand Galapagos - Santa Cruz in the tourism market. AlfaPublicaciones, 5(1), 102–126.