Digital competences and their relationship with university teaching

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Luis Daniel Santillán Zambrano
Jessica Liliana Rodríguez Mendoza
Edinson Alejandro Morales Marcillo
Javier Enrique Martínez Ruiz


Currently, the role of the university teacher constitutes a primary commitment in the academic process, it is the one who guides the student to the acquisition and development of competencies so that they can function in any situation. The new facet of the teacher is strengthened by managing the existing interconnectivity, therefore, for a teacher to teach their students with quality and to solve their learning needs, they require the knowledge, skills and application of technological resources offered by the digital age. For this reason, higher education teachers should not settle for that elementary knowledge in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and virtuality resulting in digital illiteracy, on the contrary, they must be competent and didactic to apply them in their academic activities. Thus, demonstrating aptitude towards new educational contexts and structures, as long as it combines pedagogy with technology. Finally, this article aims to describe the digital skills applied in university teaching according to perspectives on ICT; digital age; knowledge and information society.


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How to Cite
Santillán Zambrano , L. D., Rodríguez Mendoza , J. L., Morales Marcillo, E. A., & Martínez Ruiz, J. E. (2022). Digital competences and their relationship with university teaching. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(3.1), 40–59.