Determination of the economic feasibility in the production and marketing of honey in the canton Morona, province of Morona Santiago

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Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra
Víctor Hugo Huebla Concha
Manuel María Fiallos Ramos
Orlando Efraín Bravo Calle


Introduction: this work addresses in the first instance a vision that seeks to explain the particularity of the product its historical evolution the same that is tied to the development and evolution of the human being, its problematic its challenges. Objectives: the objectives are strategically aligned to respond to the approach of the problem. In the reference theoretical framework, an explanation of the different components that are part of a feasibility study is made, considering the criteria of different authors. Methodology: qualitative and quantitative approach, describes the distinct phases addressed by the analysis of this study and the strategy used for the collection of the required information. Results: determination of the initial investment, which represents 42.78% of the total operating costs calculated for the first year whose value is $ 93,228.48 US dollars, as a subsequent process the financing requirements are analyzed that according to the data collected correspond to 70% of the initial investment, a projection of the income is made and finally the internal rate of return (IRR) is calculated that corresponds to 29.12% and is above  the discount or opportunity rate; the net present value (NPV) representing a positive value ($14,684.32 dollars).  Conclusions: the cost benefit (B / C) that corresponds to 1.26 which means that for each dollar of investment the project receives 26 cents of profit.


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How to Cite
Carrillo Parra, E. R., Huebla Concha, V. H., Fiallos Ramos, M. M., & Bravo Calle, O. E. (2022). Determination of the economic feasibility in the production and marketing of honey in the canton Morona, province of Morona Santiago. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(2.2), 170–189.