Environmental management systems for the optimization of dairy industries

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María Soledad Núñez Moreno


The article aims to present the characteristics, implementation procedure, impact, and environmental benefits of environmental management systems (EMS) through Cleaner Production (CP) and 5S of quality, for the optimization of dairy industries, due to the pollution generated by its production processes. For this, aspects of the dairy industry were described, to later present the SGA through CP and 5S. The implementation of an EMS through the CP strategy or the 5S methodology; will be validated at the moment of complying with parameters that are within permissible limits, among some of these parameters to be considered are: effluent discharges to the public sewage system with maximum permissible limits in oils and fats of 100 (mg/L), BOD5 with 250 (mg/L), BOD with 500 (mg/L), settleable solids with 20 (mg/L) and total suspended solids with 220 (mg/L); while the consumption of water for each kilogram of milk will have a value of 2,21 (L/kg); with respect to the consumption of electrical energy 0,34 GJ of energy consumed for each tonne of milk may be taken as a reference. Establishing the environmental impact of the EMS through CP and 5S, it is concluded that both systems focus on optimizing production through minimize, reduce, recycle and avoiding extractivism, of resources such as water, energy and raw materials, in the production chain as well as in the environment, therefore, the selection of either of the two systems for its implementation, depend mainly on the experience of the responsible leader, the knowledge of the general manager and the approval of senior management.


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How to Cite
Núñez Moreno, M. S. (2022). Environmental management systems for the optimization of dairy industries. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(3), 82–102. https://doi.org/10.33262/ap.v4i3.224