Educational mobile application to strengthen the teaching-learning process of the English subject in times of pandemic

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Geraldine Yelena Bosquez Vera
Juan Carlos Muyulema Allaica
Jonathan Ernesto Pacheco Yépez
Roberto Benardo Usca Veloz


Introduction. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational sector have significantly enhanced the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how ICTs are affecting learning opportunities. Objective. Design and implement an educational mobile application to strengthen the teaching-learning process of the English subject with students in times of pandemic, through the implementation of the STUDENGLISH educational mobile application. Methodology. The methodology used was field-descriptive. To obtain the data, the survey technique was used and the structured questionnaire with twelve polytomous questions addressed to the students was used as an instrument. The study population was 136 students of the eighth year of Basic General Education of the Educational Unit of the Millennium “Ángel Polibio Chaves”. Results. The analyzed results showed that there was a learning deficit in the students of the English subject, due to the lack of implementation of technological resources in times of pandemic. Conclusion. The STUDENGLISH educational mobile application designed in the App Inventor 2 online program, presents encouraging results, contributing significantly to the teaching-learning process of the English subject.


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How to Cite
Bosquez Vera, G. Y., Muyulema Allaica , J. C., Pacheco Yépez, J. E., & Usca Veloz, R. B. (2022). Educational mobile application to strengthen the teaching-learning process of the English subject in times of pandemic . AlfaPublicaciones, 4(2.2), 39–55.

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