Information and communication technologies as a tool for research methodology

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Marco Antonio Gavilanes Sagñay
Willian Geovanny Yanza Chávez
Johana Katherine Montoya Lunavictoria
Luis Eulogio Benítez Cevallos


Introduction. The use of Information and Communication Technologies has had a positive impact in different spheres. Target. Determine the incidence of the use of Information and Communication Technologies in the transformation of the Scientific Research Methodology in the context of Higher Education. Methodology. A descriptive methodology was used, based on the Systematic Review of the Literature, supported by theoretical methods and documentary review by establishing referential search criteria. Results. 1. It is evident that ICTs are tools capable of significantly optimizing the quality of Research Methodology in the context of Higher Education, their use allows the objectives set to be achieved in less time and with the required quality, creating spaces for exchange and the generation of solutions. 2. It is shown that the challenge of research at the university lies in the role of the teacher who teaches the subject of Research Methodology, who must have the skills that allow him to carry out tutorial work that brings together knowledge: theoretical, practical and pedagogical and interaction between researchers. 3. It is argued that the information provided by qualitative techniques, using ICT tools, is as valid as that provided by quantitative techniques. 4. There is a risk for the researcher to focus his attention on the use of technological tools above the methodological analysis of the research. Conclusions. The high incidence of Information and Communication Technologies in the transformation of the Scientific Research Methodology in the context of Higher Education is determined, its use constitutes a digital and methodological revolution in research, however, its indiscriminate use can bring risks that must be controlled and avoided permanently.


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How to Cite
Gavilanes Sagñay, M. A., Yanza Chávez, W. G., Montoya Lunavictoria, J. K., & Benítez Cevallos, L. E. (2022). Information and communication technologies as a tool for research methodology. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(1), 77–96.



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