Satisfaction level of English language learning in a fully digital environment by Covid-19 times

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Leonardo Efraín Cabezas Arévalo


Introduction: The pandemic has brought face-to-face classes to a completely virtual environment, which has brought distinct advantages and disadvantages for students. For this reason, students have different levels of satisfaction in the development of their classes. Since these are indicators that allow continuous improvement, we should implement frequently questionnaires to know the satisfaction status of the students. Aim: To identify the satisfaction levels of the students of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo in English as a foreign language class in an online environment. Method: 124 students took part in the satisfaction survey with 9 questions. We ordered the options from 1 to 5 where 1 corresponded to: "very dissatisfied", 2: "dissatisfied", 3: "neither satisfied nor dissatisfied", 4: "satisfied" and 5: "very satisfied". Microsoft Form software was used to prepare the survey, and they disseminated it through Microsoft Teams. Results: In the questionnaires, there were preferences in the choice of option 4 "satisfied" which shows high levels of satisfaction in most of the students, while option 2 "dissatisfied" was the least chosen, thus identifying the low levels of student dissatisfaction. Conclusion: Satisfaction levels were high for all questions, which enhances virtual education and merges it as an educational alternative for teaching and learning English as a foreign language. 


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How to Cite
Cabezas Arévalo, L. E. (2021). Satisfaction level of English language learning in a fully digital environment by Covid-19 times. AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.1), 116–128.

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