Analysis of the application of the Think Methodology according to the American Think Book


Ambar Verenice Morocho Torres
Edison Hernán Salazar Calderón
Luis Oswaldo Guadalupe Bravo
David Antonio Ureña Lara


Introduction. By means of a previous analysis, it was determined students of the Second Year “B” of Bachillerato General Unificado at “Combatientes de Tapi” High School, are not cognitively committed with the development of their performance in English due to the inadequate development of the “THINK” methodology. Objective. This study analyzed how THINK methodology helps to reinforce thinking and language skills in students. Methodology. This analysis was developed in Second Year “B” of Bachillerato General Unificado at “Combatientes de Tapi” High School, during the first term of the 2017-2018 school year. The population was 35 students; twenty-five of them men and ten women. The type of study was ethnographic and qualitative at an exploratory level. A non-participatory observation technique was used since the researcher plays a passive role; the data collection instrument was an observation guide. Results. It was determined that, in the current educational year,  THINK methodology helps students to develop the ability to think critically together with improvements in language skills and should be applied according to the established order, paying great attention to promoting thinking skills and promoting language skills. Conclusions. It is concluded that the teacher rarely applied the methodology with high proficiency and just some of the recommended strategies to develop critical thinking were used.


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Como Citar
Morocho Torres, A. V., Salazar Calderón, E. H., Guadalupe Bravo, L. O., & Ureña Lara, D. A. (2021). Analysis of the application of the Think Methodology according to the American Think Book . AlfaPublicaciones, 3(3.1), 261–270.

