Use of learning landscapes as resources for teaching spelling rules to upper elementary school students

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Ana Rocío Reza Ríos
Elías Ignacio Paucar Huertas
Mariela Tapia Leon
Virginia Sánchez Andrade


Introduction. Teaching spelling rules is a challenge for teachers and students. However, mastering spelling is crucial for effective communication. Writing clearly, accurately and coherently is essential for academic and professional success. At the Ascázubi Educational Unit, students have significant spelling problems. Therefore, it is crucial to use strategies that attract and maintain interest, such as learning landscapes. Learning landscapes combine Bloom's taxonomy with multiple intelligences and are enriched with other methodologies to achieve more motivating and meaningful learning. Objective. The present research aimed to measure the impact of the use of learning landscapes as a resource for teaching spelling rules in upper elementary school students. Methodology. To develop this research, a mixed approach integrating qualitative and quantitative data was used to measure the impact of the landscape on the use of punctuation marks. The research design is pre-experimental and allowed evaluating the effect of the learning landscape before and after its implementation. Data analysis was performed using statistical techniques with Student's t-test. We worked with the 25 students of the ninth year parallel "E" and 3 teachers of Language and Literature. Results. The results reinforce the effectiveness of learning landscapes as a resource in teaching spelling rules, with a significant improvement of 2.24 points. Conclusion. The use of learning landscapes demonstrates that they foster motivation, collaborative work, improve comprehension, retention and application of spelling rules.


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How to Cite
Reza Ríos , A. R., Paucar Huertas, E. I., Tapia Leon, M., & Sánchez Andrade, V. (2024). Use of learning landscapes as resources for teaching spelling rules to upper elementary school students. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(4), 24–40.

