Immunosenescence and its effect on pharmacological action: a literature review

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José Daniel Litardo Mendoza
María Geomara Moreira Vera
Sulay Stefania Quiroz Mendoza
Elssie Dayana Macías Acuña


Introduction: Immunosenescence refers to the changes that occur in the immune system due to aging and that affect innate and adaptive immunity. This can be considered as proof that the beneficial effects of the immune system in its function of neutralizing harmful agents in the early stages of life are the same as those that become harmful to the individual in his old age, at a stage that is not predicted by evolution. Objective: Analyze immunosenescence and its effect on pharmacological action Methodology: Literature review study with qualitative approach and descriptive design. Results: Research indicates that immunosenescence is not accompanied by the inevitable and progressive deterioration of immune function, rather, it is the result of remodeling, in which some functions are reduced, while others remain unchanged or even increase. Conclusion: Pharmacokinetics refers to the disposition of the drug in the body and consists of four steps: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Each of them changes in different ways with the aging process.


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How to Cite
Litardo Mendoza, J. D., Moreira Vera, M. G., Quiroz Mendoza, S. S., & Macías Acuña, E. D. (2024). Immunosenescence and its effect on pharmacological action: a literature review. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2), 181–195.

