Optimization of hydro sanitary works projects in the province of Azuay, through the implementation of processes for their management

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Fabricio Antonio Valdivieso Torres
Pablo Tiberio Vázquez Quiroz


In the province of Azuay, most builders do not have a culture of generating processes for project management, which causes delays and losses in the execution of projects. For this reason, we intend to analyze this problem that exists in the province of Azuay, where 68.75% of the civil engineers surveyed consider that generating processes is important to manage projects, but only 9.38% have implemented them for their construction projects. Based on these data, a review of the different bibliographic sources is conducted in relation to the guidelines and techniques of the project management process currently in use. After the review of the bibliographic sources, two surveys are made to civil engineering professionals in relation to the way they manage their projects, an analysis of the information obtained with the bibliographic review and the survey to professionals is executed. Finally, it is suggested that there is ignorance of good practices, tools, and techniques for project management since this type of knowledge is not valued in university classrooms and in many cases during professional practice. For this reason, a process guide is created for the construction and site environment, to improve the management of hydro-sanitary projects in the Province of Azuay.


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How to Cite
Valdivieso Torres, F. A., & Vázquez Quiroz, P. T. (2024). Optimization of hydro sanitary works projects in the province of Azuay, through the implementation of processes for their management. AlfaPublicaciones, 6(2.1), 64–85. https://doi.org/10.33262/ap.v6i2.1.477

