Training experiences and virtual platforms in the teaching of the English language in higher education

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Mónica Paulina Castillo Niama
Jaime Alberto Tapia Salinas
Jessica Elizabeth Asqui Luna
Deysi Lucía Damián Tixi


Introduction:  This study is based on the problem of teacher training, based on the need for teachers to acquire specific skills for this and achieve an efficient educational training action, as well as to what extent the use of a virtual platform influences the improvement of oral and written production skills in the area of English of students of Second Languages parallel 1 and 2 in Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Objectives: Therefore, the description of the knowledge of tools and benefits of virtual platforms is proposed as an objective for the development of attitudes. Methodology: As a methodology, the research problem is analyzed from a quantitative approach, which reflects the need to measure and predict magnitudes of phenomena or research problems, taking as a sample 62 students of Language I of parallels 1 and 2 as results it was obtained that 99.38% is shown with a positive attitude and willing to use virtual platforms. Results: Consequently, it is considered the importance of implementing as didactic tools, Virtual Platforms for the teaching and learning of the English language, the use of e-learning and b-learning platforms, are potential candidates for implementation. Conclusions: The training experiences of the researchers that were analyzed are also potential examples to implement a Virtual platform for students of Second Parallel Languages 1 and 2.


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How to Cite
Castillo Niama, M. P., Tapia Salinas, J. A., Asqui Luna, J. E., & Damián Tixi, D. L. (2022). Training experiences and virtual platforms in the teaching of the English language in higher education. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(4.2), 80–97.