Ultrasound-Guided Transversus Abdominis vs. Rectus Abdominis Sheath Block in Canine Cadavers

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Bryan Alexander Caraguay Sinche
Gilberto Enrique Segnini Herrera
Jessica Paola Bautista Tenicela


Introduction. Echo-guided nerve blocks is a tool of regional anesthesia that is of utmost importance within the current veterinary clinical and surgical practice, it seeks to desensitize certain sections of the animal body according to convenience and criteria evaluated by the practitioner with local anesthetics. In addition to desensitizing the same provide analgesia and reduce the anesthetic demand of the patients in question. TAP (Transversus Abdominis Block) and RSB (Rectus Sheath Block) are two of these techniques that seek to desensitize the abdominal area of the animal organism. Objective. Comparing ultrasound-guided transverse abdominis vs. rectus abdominis sheath block in canine cadavers. Methodology. In the present work we compared these techniques in eight non-living biological models (canine cadavers), sixteen hemiabdominal walls in patients who died of natural causes and without traumatic involvement of the abdominal wall in the HDEV USFQ during the period May-June 2022. The application of local anesthetic plus methylene blue dye in quantity (0.30 ml/kg body weight) was performed in a blocking technique in each hemiabdominal wall and after 30 minutes of blocking, the patient was dissected, and the area of anesthetic distribution was inspected. Results. Since there were no patients of the same size and weight, the sample was standardized by calculating the logarithm of area, concluding that the logarithm of TAP block area was higher than the logarithm of RSB block area (P < 0.05). Conclusion. Therefore, it is assumed that TAP block covers a larger area of anesthetic dissemination than its similar RSB.


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How to Cite
Caraguay Sinche, B. A., Segnini Herrera, G. E., & Bautista Tenicela, J. P. (2022). Ultrasound-Guided Transversus Abdominis vs. Rectus Abdominis Sheath Block in Canine Cadavers. AlfaPublicaciones, 4(4.2), 48–62. https://doi.org/10.33262/ap.v4i4.2.297